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Market Talk – September 20, 2019

ASIA: US President Trump granted China more than 400 tariff exemptions to products such as coffee filters, plastic straws, dog leashes, patio torches, Christmas lights, and skateboards. A former ambassador to China states that this relationship with China is worse than during the Soviet-era, and deemed it the new “Cold War” as the conflict enters […]

Market Talk – September 19, 2019

ASIA: US President Trump has warned China that they will face a tough trade war. “It’ll be the toughest deal anybody’s ever had to make from the standpoint of China,” Trump said. His warning comes around if China waits to make a deal until after the US general election in November 2020. Today is the […]

Reversals – Energy – A Different Dimension

QUESTION: Hi Marty… I’ve been reading your blog for several years now. I’ve been trying to understand the basics about your reversal system is with no luck. Yet I’ve been trading stocks with only simple trend lines for years using basic tech A. PS I still don’t even understand how the Federal Reserve works either… […]

The Right to Vote Extends to Dead People?

QUESTION: I assume you have seen the news how Florida has 53,000 dead people voting. Do you have a solution to the voter fraud? JS ANSWER: It is very simple. Voting should be done online, and voters should use their Social Security number which is required for just about everything these days. You cannot get […]

Market Talk – September 12, 2019

ASIA: US President Trump announced today that they will delay any tariffs on around 250 billion USD worth of Chinese goods as a “gesture of goodwill” ahead of the talks next month. China yesterday announced they will remove tariffs on 17 US products ranging from medicine to produce. According to a White House official, they […]

Can AI Think?

QUESTION: In George Gilder’s book “Life after Google” he states: “AI cannot compete with the human intelligence that connects symbols and objects. AI cannot do without the human minds that provide it with symbols systems and language; programs it; structures the information it absorbs in training, whether word patterns or pixels; provides and formulates the […]

Climate Change Has been a Routine Scare Tactic Since the 1930s

QUESTION: Is there a pattern? C ANSWER: For whatever reason, these people have been promoting that the cities will all sink and we are the cause of it all. They have been touting this scenario since the 1930s when there was the Dust Bowl. It resurfaced after World War II when they were trying to […]

Market Talk – September 5, 2019

ASIA: There was a somewhat successful call yesterday between US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He. The call concluded that the US and China will resume trade talks in person at the beginning of October. In the run-up to the event, the two countries will hold a discussion in order to […]

Market Talk – September 4, 2019

ASIA: China today has officially filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) as the US raised tariffs from 10 to 15 percent over the weekend on 300 billion USD worth of Chinese goods. China has asked for the WTO to act as a mediator to convince the US to reduce or end the […]

Market Talk – August 30, 2019

ASIA: China today told Philippines President Duterte that the disputed area of the South China Sea was not up for negotiations as President Xi and Duterte met in Beijing. However, China was willing to work together to effectively manage the issue. With Duterte in his final term as presidency, critics back in his native country […]