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China Moving Closer to Taking the Yuan International

China’s move to create a yuan based contract for gold was portrayed by the gold promoters cheering this as their savior, but for all the hype, the mere fact that gold will trade in yuan was neither bullish for gold nor any means of displacing the dollar. What this development does is effectively provide a […]

Market Talk – July 23, 2015

It has taken a while but today we saw the return of the sellers in the oil market. TWI and Brent both down around 1.7%, taking TWI to 48.25 last trade. Natural gas also took a beating, down almost 3% at 2.825. Gold did try to bounce and spent the majority of the day above 1100, but as […]

Gold – It Ain’t Over Until the Fat Lady Sings

The problem with gold has been the gold promoters who use sophistry to sell their product, convincing so many people to lose everything they invest. The hate mail has started again, claiming I am “bashing the gold bugs” as if this were a sport. Sadly, this illustrates how there will always be those who go down with […]

Carry Trade & Capital Flows

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Could you please explain whether your Computer model integrates the Carry trade into its Algorithms, and what influence the Carry trade will have (if Any) in the 2015.75 Sovereign Debt Crisis. Thank You R R. H ANSWER: Of course. The carry trade typically impacts capital flows. However, this will also distort trade […]

Market Talk – July 22, 2015

Asian equities did not stand much of a chance from the open as Apple had taken it on the chin upon releasing their results! A 7% decline in after hours trading wiped around $66Bln off the share price and put Asian markets on the defensive from the start. By lunchtime, the Nikkei, the Hang Seng, […]

Schäuble – The Man Behind the Throne

It was about 20 years ago when Wolfgang Schäuble, current German Finance Minister, wrote his paper on the danger in the Eurozone reflecting on European policies, even describing his tough behavior towards Greece. Schäuble is the politician who has done much to shape contemporary Germany, and his falling out with Helmut Kohl remains alive and well to this day.  The key point […]

Market Talk – July 21, 2015

Most precious metals traders breathed a sigh of relief this morning when they awoke to see that gold was not massacred in Asia (again) and was almost unchanged from the New York close. That said, we did not see a bounce-back after yesterday’s $40 decline of any significance, which will leave traders weary of further declines. […]

Connectivity is Everything

I have been stating all along that attempting to forecast gold in isolation is the equivalent of summoning a witch doctor for cancer. Everything in this world is connected. Civilization unfolds as a synergy of people coming together and the sum is greater than the individual parts. This too, is what government is tearing apart […]

Market Talk – July 20, 2015

No matter whom we spoke to today, the focus of the conversation has been on gold’s spectacular fall. There are many rumors floating around from China off-loading because wrong storage figures were released, to a large spec investor who sold 6 tonnes and has taken a huge loss on a leveraged trade! Whatever the excuse, we woke […]

Greece the Musical

It is sad to see many Greeks now really disliking the Germans. They are bringing the differences back all because politicians CANNOT admit they screwed up the whole idea of the euro. With Hollande claiming the problem is not enough European unity, all they do is continue to make things far worse to the point where […]