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The Future & Analysis

QUESTION:  Hello Mr. Armstrong, I just saw your interview on BNN, too bad you only had about 7 minutes to explain something that big, guess that’s the Limitation of TV Media I’m glad I bought the Repo Crisis Report. You would not have such limitations on your own platform like youtube. Can you see yourself […]

Gold & the Future

QUESTION: Marty, you laid out gold’s forecast back in October 2018 which has been amazing long-term. While you said if gold would rally after the Pi turning point from a bounce off the downtrend line, then it should rally into the bottom of the ECM. Will you now publish the gold report? I know you […]

Guyana & the Future

QUESTION: Hi Martin, thanks for including little Guyana in your blog today. I was born in Canada, but my parents emigrated from Guyana decades ago. I haven’t been back yet. Nevertheless, I am eager to see great things become of the country, have been tracking the oil industry developments there, and am invested in it […]

Gold & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First I want to thank you for your conference. It was my first time and I was impressed when your daughter asked how many people attended prior sessions. The number of people standing beyond 10 years was impressive. I spoke with one who had been at your 1987 WEC. He said you […]

A Career for the Future?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, First of all, I have to say that I admire your economic confidence model and I am grateful that you publish your blog posts publicly. Hopefully, I will make it to one of your conferences one day and get to know you. Probably most of your subscribers are a bit older […]

Will Basel-III Changing Gold’s Status as a Reserve Asset for Banks Change the Future?

  The Bank of International Settlements under Basel-III changed the status of gold as a reserve asset effectively on April 1, 2019. Gold used to be viewed by the banks as a risky asset and classified under “Tier-3”, which meant it was considered risky and could only be carried on the books at 50% of […]

The Future – Which Door to Enter

QUESTION: Good day Mr. Armstrong, I have been a student of yours since 2001 and am always amazed at your work. I am not one that can afford to go to your seminars, but would love to know all that you discuss there. Could you write a book about what all is discussed there? My […]

Thailand and the Future

COMMENT: Hi Marty, As with so many others, I am very appreciative of your writing and am seeing your predictions come true as chaos piles up. Most recently, here in Thailand! The sister of the king, Princess Ubolrat (sp?) announced she would contest the upcoming election as prime minister. This is not only unprecedented in […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand at the WEC you told the audience the stock market would correct sharply into January/February. For those of us who could not afford to attend a WEC, are we to expect the slingshot you have been warning should take place? Thank you; HP ANSWER: Yes. Timing is absolutely everything. DO […]

Why are Robots Changing the Future?

QUESTION: Do you think that robots will eliminate a lot of jobs in the future? EH ANSWER: Yes. But you have to understand WHY are we even turning to robots. The answer to that question is TAXES & SOCIALISM! The bottom line is rather blunt. Any routine job that can be replaced by allowing the consumer […]