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The Global Corruption

COMMENT: Hi Martin I’m a Kiwi living in France with a French wife. We have chosen not to take the covid jabs and it’s been a bad week for us. On Monday we found out that New Zealand will no longer allow non citizens into the country without evidence of the covid jab. Both my […]

Comments on the Future

COMMENT #1: Hi Marty, It does not feel like we are winning at all here in Canada. In Ontario, as of today, the unvaxxed cannot go to a restaurant, concerts, gym or any indoor event deemed by the ‘authorities’ as not essential. Soon enough, we will not be able to buy a loaf of bread […]

Build Back Better means You Destroy it First

COMMENT: Greetings Marty,   As expected, “Build Back Better” was more than a campaign slogan. Today, the White House released President Biden’s Interim National Security Strategic Guidance.  A stark departure from the 2017 National Security Strategy, this document walks the dog from COVID to climate change to….the fourth industrial revolution!  In fact, Build Back Better […]

Texas Ends Mask Requirements & Opens Up Restaurants

  There is just no evidence whatsoever that masks do anything. When I went to the doctors last year they asked about COVID. I told them I did not know anyone with COVID. They said I could still catch it by pumping gas in my car. And when I bought a box of masks, they […]

Trudeau Moves to Install Guaranteed Basic Income in Canada

    It is very interesting how Trudeau has called anyone who uses the term “Great Reset” is a conspiracy theorist, and he intends to just focus on helping Canadians. Those who are engaged in this Great Reset know they have the media on their side to push this Agenda 2030 forward without anyone ever […]

World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation Are Main Drivers for Digital Vaccines Passports

Klaus Schwab is becoming one of the most dangerous men perhaps in modern history. His World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation are the main drivers behind the adoption of digital health passes. Two years before the corona pandemic, the EU Commission had drawn up a “roadmap for vaccination”. They are trying to create an […]

Rome Police Defend Protesters in Solidarity

  Many people have written in to say this is all too depressing. I explain that by posting what is taking place globally, you can see that RESISTANCE IS NOT FUTILE. I reported previously how the police in Naples turned and joined the protesters. Now the same is taking place in Rome. The people are […]

The Fraud Behind Greta Thunberg

  Now that Klaus Schwab has put the Climate as part of his Agenda 2030, his inclusion of Greta Thunberg in the film that was supposed to celebrate his 50th Anniversary, The Forum, was the debut of his sinister plan for creating the Great Reset. For the climate urgency, he handed Greta center stage.   […]

Mike Lindell of My Pillow is Being Barred from Everything – Why?

  Mike Lindell of My Pillow has been shut down by all Social Media including his company. This is why he has been shut down. What is clear, removing Trump was critical to the agenda 2030 and the Great Reset. From the perspective of corruption, we certainly cannot rule anything out. What I find offensive […]

Xi Jinping at DAVOS

  Chinese President Xi Jinping at Davos in Switzerland attended by video. He continued to defend globalization also referring to multilateralism and climate change. However, he never mentioned either Trump or Biden but he did criticize the US trade war with China. He did warn that any conflict between Beijing and Washington would be bad […]