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Hydroxychloroquine Is Being Suppressed to Keep COVID & Climate Change Agenda

There are so many doctors now coming out against Fauci and Bill Gates who have been trying to stop people from using Hydroxychloroquine in order to keep the real agenda going – destroying the economy to recreate it GREEN – Great Reset. I have stated how my cousin was on the front line of nurses […]

The Pandemic to Future Climate Change Agenda

  COMMENT: Marty, a friend in a European government said they are afraid of you and your computer with the pandemic. anonymous REPLY: I am fully aware of those concerns and I have heard they are very much against Socrates because it warns of their failure. They can kill me but it will not silence […]

Forbes Bows to Climate Change Censorship

The bogus environmental analysis that has been relied upon by Bill Gates and Al Gore has been so wrong it is scary. They have used these fake models to terrorize people and they have invested so much into this movement they now CANNOT even admit that they were wrong. Forbes Magazine published an article by […]

Eugenics is now Climate Change but Still Racist

COMMENT: Good morning, I remember reading back in the day that global warming was the greatest threat to the world. I also saw old articles where before that it was global cooling. Since they couldn’t seem to get it straight and global warming had started to get a bad name among some scientists and some […]

Is Bill Gates Really a Racist Using Climate Change as the Excuse to Depopulate Africa?

What is really amazing is that Bill Gates’ father has long been an alleged racist with Planned Parenthood targeting minorities. Eugenics has also been about improving the Anglo-Saxon/Scandinavian portion of the white race as being superior and the black race is the lowest. We are in this era of taring down statues of monumental of […]

Now Climate Change is Cause of Death!

Well. if they can record fake COVID-19 deaths, what’s next? You got it. Anyone who dies from heat exhaustion they want to have attributed to a death caused by Climate Change! Why not! Your air conditioner broke, hey cause of death – Climate Change. Your heater broke or they cut off the fossil fuels, hey […]

Spain & Climate Change Agenda Merged with Virus Agenda

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Hope you’re well. Still in lockdown… there are now strict time slots when people (based on age, etc) can leave home (unless they’re going to work or to do grocery shopping), A few regions (the islands, basically) have relaxed the rules more, but not the large cities and more populated provinces. At any […]

Is 2020 the End of a Energy Trend or the Beginning of a New Trend for Climate Change Advocates?

QUESTION: Marty; I see that Socrates’ forecast for oil in 2020 was a major turning point. All the reversals worked great. But my question is, do you think with this 2020 turning point that this climate change agenda of Bill Gates will fail if oil bottoms here in 2020? GA ANSWER: The array picked up […]

Was Ferguson Set-up or Just Part of the Climate Change Agenda?

Exactly who is Antonia Staats? Some are wondering if she was really intending to expose Neil Ferguson by breaking lockdown which they take far more seriously in Britain than in America. Ms Staats, 38, is a left-wing campaigner who works for US-based online network Avaaz, which is an organisation that promotes global activism on, yes you […]

Merkel Revealed this is About Climate Change

Little by little, the truth of this contrived coronavirus crisis is emerging. It has always been about forcing climate change agendas. They knew they were losing, even after exploiting a 16-year-old girl. This ruthless agenda to deliberately destroy the world economy was the info I received from behind the curtain. There were people in the […]