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Survey for New Book – “Cycle of War & the Coronavirus”

This is the second book in the series we are issuing this year the “Cycle of War & the Coronavirus – the New Threat to World Peace & the Billionaire Usurpers.” This is a very important work and it is the first time the Cycle of War has been extensively researched and documented on a […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Panic Cycles

PRIVATE BLOG – Panic Cycles Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

How Could Socrates Forecast Food Shortages in the Cycle Years in Advance?

QUESTION: Marty; You were the only one to forecast this would be a commodity cycle driven by shortages. How can your computer forecast such things like this shortage years in advance? They are warning we will face serious meat shortages when Bill Gates was investing in meat substitutes. This is falling within his whole scheme […]

The Cycle Behind COVID-19

I have reliable research I have not yet concluded but so far this COVID-19 could have been a human experiment. It appears to be like HIV insofar as it attacks the T cells and can penetrate them. These are the human cells that attack viruses. This is most likely why older patients are dying because […]

Everything Has a Cycle – Even the Coronavirus

Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University has plotted the growth rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain. What he has revealed is what Socrates had forecast with the peak coming the week of April 6. The professor found that irrespective of whether the […]

The Monetary Crisis Cycle Report

Like clockwork, we tend to go through these monetary resets because those in power lack the experience of a trader and always design some system that is destined to fail. The gold standard under Bretton Woods failed because they fixed the value of gold at $35 but never fixed the supply of dollar. Eventually, there […]

Monetary Crisis Cycle Report

Like clockwork, we tend to go through these monetary resets because those in power lack the experience of a trader and always design some system that is destined to fail. The gold standard under Bretton Woods failed because they fixed the value of gold at $35 but never fixed the supply of dollar. Eventually, there was not enough gold to back the money supply at such a fixed ratio. In creating the Euro, they refused to consolidate the debts. They again tried to create a currency but then lacked even government bonds to back the currency as was the case at the Federal Reserve.
We truly must come to an understand not just what is money, but what is the true role of money within the economy. It is one thing to argue that there is a Monetary Crisis Cycle which runs through history like a regular heartbeat. But what are we truly measuring? There are arguments that many have made that money must be commodity based and have some intrinsic value. This concept truly goes back to the very beginning or society when we simply were engaging in barter – I will give you three potatoes for two carrots. There was no “labor” factor at this early stage. It was still very primitive.
Understanding that the value of currencies is no longer some tangible commodity or bond, but it is the collective capacity of the people. Some third world countries can have twice the amount of people as the United States, but if they lack the entrepreneurship to create an economy, then it means nothing. Russia has all the hard assets, but not the creativity of China. China, Japan, and Germany all rose from the ashes without gold using only fiat currencies.
This report deals with the coming Monetary Crisis Cycle and the reset we historically go through periodically. This is due in 2021-2022 and we can see this coming like a train approaching down the tracks. First there was the Inverted Yield Curve, then the Repo Crisis, now the Central Bank Crisis, and next the Monetary Crisis. Welcome to the interesting times of the 21st century.


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Cycles of Internal Political Confrontation Turned up March 10, 2020

COMMENT: Marty, you make so many forecasts on so many aspects of the world economy in politics, I am not sure you even keep track. You wrote back on March 9, 2017: “It appears that we are headed back to the mid-19th century when brawls broke out on the floor of Congress … We are […]

Cycle v Free Will

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You have said that everything has its own cycle and that somehow everything is connected to pi. To me this seems to fit nicely within a deterministic framework. Hence I am curious what your thoughts are on the subject of free will. Could you please elaborate? Regards, E ANSWER: We all […]

Is the Boom-Bust Cycle Dead?

QUESTION: Do you agree with Bridgewater’s Bob Prince that the Boom-Bust Cycle is over? Have they made an offer to buy you out yet? SH ANSWER: Absolutely no way. His theory is that the tightening of central banks all around the world “wasn’t intended to cause the downturn, wasn’t intended to cause what it did.” […]