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Model Overview

Within Western culture, the mere concept of economic activity taking the form of cyclical patterns of regularity is often dismissed as if it were a legend of ancient Atlantis or some mystic cult. The majority cling to the idea that economic trends and market movements are completely random occurrences within a constant state of unpredictable […]

Trading – Close v Intraday

QUESTION: There is a directional change the week of 2/23 followed by a turning point the week of 3/2.  Does that mean that the actual high close may come the week of 2/23 but the inter week high may come the week of 3/2?  Thanks in advance for your answer. Regards, C ANSWER: The Directional Change […]

UK & Swiss Markets v Euroland

  The London FTSE is closer to the USA in pattern than the rest of Europe. We see a consolidation pattern crawling along resistance levels. Our Energy models are showing it is running into resistance short-term, but we are not yet and the culmination of the trend.   When we look at the European major […]

Universe without Singularities

There is another group who have attempted to argue against the theory of Big Bang and what I explained would be the Big Crunch. The entire problem in the theory is that no one seems to be able to explain what happens before the instant of Big Bang. General relativity implies there should have been […]

TIME – The Fourth Dimension

Princeton Economics International is rather unique. We have explored the Fourth Dimension and discovered the means to utilize TIME. While we can forecast a trend short-term, our utilization of TIME has enabled us to accurately forecast turning points in TIME days, weeks, months, quarters, years, and decades in advance. While many seem to find unbelievable, […]

Chaos Theory – You Can Map Any Market to Reveal the Hidden Order

One of the interesting questions at IDFA was have I solved Chaos Theory? I am not sure that needs to be solved. The problem we have is confined to our mind and trying to translate concepts into words to facilitate expressing what we think is linear thought but is not. This is the Lorenz strange […]

SP500 Short-Term v Long-Term

The primary reason we run our model on everything at each time level is to distinguish short-term moves from long-term. For those who may be relatively new, our models are highly fractal. They were originally developed on intraday trading. It was then observed that the very same patterns which appeared intraday would migrate upward through […]

Was Socrates Surprised by Negative Rates?

QUESTION: Will you have to change your/Socrates opinion due to this extraordinary step? I please you to give as an idea, as Socrates seems to be currently not updated. ANSWER: We actually have a very comprehensive interest rate database. Above is a picture of world interest rates but based upon capital concentration back to 3000BC. That […]

Chaos Theory

Indeed, the 20th century will be remembered for four scientific revolutions–Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Chaos and Fractal Geometry. The Father of Chaos Theory is Edward Norton Lorenz (1917–2008) who was an American mathematician and meteorologist. Lorenz was certainly THE pioneer in Chaos Theory. A professor at MIT, Lorenz was the first to recognize what is now […]

The Cycles of War Model – WHY

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have followed you since your 1985 conference in Princeton. It was your advertisement in the Economist that caught my eye when you bluntly stated that the deflation was over and a major change in trend was at hand. I watched you forecast the takeover boom and I was shocked by your […]