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European Banks – The Next Crisis – The Unseen Cause in Plain View

The clouds have not lifted from the heart of the financial center within the European Union on the continent. The origin of the next crisis is unseen yet in plain view if you care to look. Ten years since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the core fundamental problems in the banking sector have not yet […]

Trump Forced to Dissolve Advisory Committees As Left Targets Businesses

The protesters in New York have succeeded in threatening any business that works with Trump. They targeted JP Morgan and Blackstone demanding they resign. This has manifested in Trump having to save face and he dissolved two advisory committees with group managers rather than have them resign under pressure. Trump said he had completed the work […]

Wall Street Banks Stunned At Trump’s Proposed Reform

  Trump’s economic consultant adviser, Gary Cohn, has declared a return to the separation system in the US banking system in effect restoring Glass-Steagall Act which dates from the 1930s and was adopted as a result of the Great Depression yet abolished in 1999 by the Clintons. Trump had already spoken during the election campaign […]

Are Bail-Ins Supported by Free Market Philosophy?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Reading between the lines, it seems that you support bank bailouts at taxpayer expense. Is this not counter to free market philosophy? KE ANSWER: Yes it is contrary to free market philosophy. However, it is the only reasonable solution at this moment in time without structural reforms to the financial system. If […]

Is it Safe to Store Gold in a Safe Deposit Box?

QUESTION:  Martin, Love your blog, especially your historical perspective. You recently responded to a viewer that we should take precious metals out of safety deposit boxes. Is there a reason for this? To my understanding the bail-in rules for banks in N.america put deposits and bonds at risk only? Thanks. ANSWER:  The contents of a […]

Larry Summers – Who Admits He Cannot Forecast – Forecasts Trump

QUESTION: Marty; Did you see Larry Summer’s comments on Trump. Is this guy completely insane? He says Trump is proposing things off the planet. Wasn’t it Summers who came up with the negative interest rates and supported repealing Glass Steagal? ANSWER: Larry Summers is a classic example of how a PHD means absolutely nothing compared to real life […]

Fed Seeks to Prohibit Companies from Merchant Banking to Promote Lending

The Federal Reserve wants to take away the ability of Goldman Sachs and other banks to invest in companies rather than acting as bankers and lending. The U.S. banking regulators are urging Congress to prohibit merchant banking where firms buy stakes in companies rather than lend them money. They are pushing for limits on Wall Street’s ownership […]

Goldman Sachs is at it Again

More than 75,000 people have signed their names to a petition protesting against the appointment of former European Union leader José Manuel Barroso to the investment bank Goldman Sachs. The outrage demonstrates what I have warned about — the peak in public confidence in government and banks is now in place. Goldman Sachs has gone […]

TTIP is the Bookend to the WTO Agreement to Protect Bankers

  The TTIP proposal is bought and paid for by the banks. Pick up the rug and you will always find the dirt. The USA has been fining European banks for vast amounts of money. The New York banks, especially Goldman Sachs, is shaking like a leaf at the thought that they could be hauled into European […]

Is the Supreme Court Acting Unconstitutional?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, Re: The Ted Cruz/John Kasich Conspiracy and your comments about the Constitution and USC In your opinion, might it be a crime to deny registered independents the right to vote in a primary? Pennsylvania, one of only 11 states remaining with this law, is a prime example. Thank you for a […]