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Hillary Calls Trump Administration a Dictatorship if She is Investigated The Washington Post has no problem with a Special Prosecutor investigating Trump and any attempt to stop that would be a crime known as Obstruction of Justice. Yet, when it comes to Hillary, they do a backflip and have the audacity to write: “The Justice Department’s declaration that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is considering appointing a […]

Hillary What Happened – She Rigged the Democratic Party

Donna Brazile’s new memoir, Hacks, has exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a corrupt manipulative politician. Brazile is the former Democratic party leader.  Behind the curtain, she is known as a foul-mouth boldface liar.  Now Brazile’s book,  reveals that Clinton took control of the party long before deciding who would be the Democrat […]

Hillary’s What Happened – She Lost & It Was Her Fault!

Hillary is running around pitching her book – What Happened. Of course, we all know the answer – she lost. The problem is that she takes no blame for that and like a fool who buys the market at the top, they come up with conspiracy theories to blame everyone else for their failed investment. […]

Bill & Hillary No Longer Talk?

Edward Klein, the former foreign editor of Newsweek and former editor of The New York Times Magazine, has written several books about the Clintons and Kennedys. Klein has now come out with All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump. An exposé on Hillary revealing the truth behind the facade. The fact that Hillary has really been a lesbian is why […]

Hillary’s Polls are Worse than Trump’s

In the latest Bloomberg Poll, Hillary’s favorable rating came in at 39%, below that of Trump. The interesting thing is the mainstream media is still bashing Trump with the Russia conspiracy that he somehow colluded with Putin to beat Hillary. Of course, all they press in that Russia hacked the emails. They never say that […]

State Department Investigating Hillary to Revoke Security Clearance

QUESTION: Marty; Does Hillary still have her security clearance despite what she did? Is that true? ANSWER: Believe it or not, the answer is YES. However, the State Department has opened a formal inquiry into whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her aides mishandled classified information. Comey testified that she and her aides were […]

McCain Defends Hillary & Wants to Start an Energy Trade War

John McCain wants new sanctions against Russia and it is these politicians who are the greatest threat to the world economy. Imposing such sanctions will only backfire for the damage is to European companies, rarely American. McCain is always out to create war for personal retribution for being turned into Vietnam’s version of Tokyo Rose. […]

Hillary Clinton Now Says Trump Aided the Russians

Hillary Clinton is now joining the movement to overthrow Trump claiming, with absolutely no proof, that the misinformation about her was “fake news” spread over the course of the 2016 presidential campaign which was “guided” by the campaign of President Donald Trump.  Clinton now points to compromised intelligence agencies, released in January, headed by Clapper […]

Evidence Hillary Was Briefed by Obama on Covert Abuse of Power to Target Trump

COMMENT: You have no proof that Obama briefed Hillary. You are just supporting Trump. REPLY: Here is Hillary’s Tweet dated October 31st, 2016 AFTER Obama sought the court order to tap the server Trump had in Trump Tower under the pretense it would prove links he had with Russia. That effort failed to produce any […]

Obama Engaged in Spying on Trump Campaign & May have Shared Intel with Schummer & Hillary

Trump’s Tweet that Obama was engaged in “wiretapping” the Trump campaign. The New York Times had the audacity to put on the front page saying there is no proof. The evidence is rather overwhelming that the Obama Administration did in fact use its power to engaged directly into the very same goals of Watergate. This […]