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Source for the History of Interest Rates

QUESTION: Hello Martin: I was quoting you while speaking to a friend from a similar recent post where you stated that interest rates were at 5,000-year lows. They asked me where you got data going back 5,000 years and of course, I was at a loss to explain. So my question is: does such actual […]

How Will Interest Rates Double in Europe from Here

QUESTION: Marty  Thanks for all your guidance and help in navigating these markets. You mention rates are going up soon in Europe but how can the ECB achieve this when they are still implementing QE. I work in the European HY market and the technicals are horrible as so much money is flooding in chasing […]

Interest Rates will Double

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you for an excellent conference. I have been attending since 2011. Each time you deliver a different conference and they are always better than the last. I could not help to notice on Zero Hedge they ran a piece about a Harvard University’s visiting scholar at the Bank of England who claims: “We […]

Rogoff Tells Central Banks More Negative Interest Rates Will Be Needed

Kenneth Rogoff,  the Professor of Economics at Harvard University, is stuck in a time warp where he cannot think out of the box even once. He is telling the central banks that the next recession they will have to resort to negative interest rates and they should prepare now. Despite the fact that negative rates have […]

German Secretary Economics Warns Low Interest Rates Have Failed

The German Secretary General of the Economic Council of the CDU, Wolfgang Steiger,  has highlighted the growing economic crisis in Europe. The negative interest rates of Draghi and the ECB have totally failed. He has pointed out that despite various EU stress tests for banks, time and time again they continue to fail. He has […]

Interest Rates Up & Bonds Up?

While the Fed may be raising rates, there is still a flight to quality underway that is giving a bid to US Treasury issues. Low Treasury yields may remain the norm even if the Federal Reserve raises rates again. At about 2.25%, 10-year yields have dropped to 2017 lows, even with the central bank signaling an […]

The Dollar – Media – Interest Rates – Politics

  QUESTION: Hi Marty, A couple of questions please.  When the Feds raised the rates last week why did the dollar mover lower?  Also, with the trend change coming in May should we be out of the market?  If so how long? Thank you S ANSWER: The Fed raised rates as expected, but that same day […]

The Fed Raises Interest Rates & Markets Rally!

The stock market, gold, silver, and oil all rallied when the Federal Reserve delivered the widely expected increase in its benchmark interest rate on Wednesday, the Ides of March. It said that the domestic economy remained on a path of slow and steady growth. In a statement the Fed said that the United States economy […]

Fed & Interest Rates

James Bullard, president of the St. Louis Fed, in a March 3, 2017 interview with the Wall Street Journal, “The recent data aren’t that different from what they were at the time of the January meeting and we didn’t really use the January meeting to set up a March rate hike.” He also offered an important response to […]

Do Lower Interest Rates Promote Deflation?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have said that the only way to reverse the deflation is to raise interest rates not lower them. I understand that the low rates only reduce the cost of funds for banks, but it hallows-out savings and pensions. Has anyone listened to you and tried the opposite trend to raise interest […]