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Taiwan Panders to US with “Democracy Chips”

Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen is eager to strengthen relationships with the US by producing more semiconductor chips. The US recently set aside funds specifically to build up domestic manufacturing, but shortages remain a serious problem. Taiwan’s growing relationship with America has angered China, and Ing-wen’s words will certainly be a subtle elbow to the One […]

Pelosi Visits Taiwan

Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan on Tuesday night despite warnings from both Washing and Beijing. The nature of her trip was so secretive that it was not on her official itinerary. Now, the true nature of her visit is coming to light. “We take this trip at a time when the world faces a […]

Henry Kissinger on Taiwan

Veteran diplomat and former Nobel Peace Prize winner Henry Kissinger is warning Washington to avoid conflict with China over Taiwan. Although Joe Biden said that the US would interfere if China were to invade Taiwan, the White House clarified that the US will respect the One China policy. “The United States should not by subterfuge […]

Market Talk – July 10, 2019

ASIA: Russia reported that China has announced plans to open six new free zones as an attempt to open up its economy (with external pressure to do so). China also announced that they will expand the existing Shanghai free zone. Spokesperson Gao Feng said, “China has been opening up more sectors of the economy as […]

How To End Ukrainian War in 5 minutes

When Yugoslavia broke up, it did so along ethnic lines. This is why the West is waging World War III because they hate Russians when there is no difference here between Yugoslavia and Ukraine. The Donbas should have been allowed to separate, for that is the fundamental human right that the West is ignoring, claiming […]

What if They are Wrong?

Your future will be utterly destroyed because of these Neocons who are consumed with personal hatred of Russians. They are pushing American policymakers, arguing that Putin is bluffing and we can, therefore, destroy Russia, and he will never fire a shot. They insist that Putin won’t put his money where his mouth is regarding escalation. […]

Global Taxation – Proposal to Fight Climate Change and Poverty

Finance ministers from France and Brazil are urging the G20 to implement a minimum 2% tax on billionaires in an effort to fight climate change and poverty. Everyone cheers when the suggestion is to tax someone else, but feigns shock when the rules expand and everyone experiences rising taxation. Global collaborative efforts such as war […]

Russia Set to Outpace All Advanced Economies – Sanctions FAILED

Sanctions and the removal of Russia from SWIFT have not deterred the Russian economy. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that Russia’s economy will grow more in the next year than any other advanced economy. The IMF believes Russia’s economy will grow by 3.2% in 2024, in comparison, the US is […]

Decline in the Birthrate & Biden’s Agenda

Bill Gates’ dream of killing off half the population maybe coming true. The Gates Agenda began with his father and Planned Parenthood being put in minority areas to reduce the population based on race. Even Roe v Wade was cleverly used to tell women it was their BODY, THEIR RIGHT, to have an abortion. Justice […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1: What is your opinion of Trump’s statement regarding the COVID vaccine: “YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!”” JN ANSWER #1: I have a serious disagreement with Trump, and it bothers me that he has not expressed what so many now realize was wrong. […]