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Using People from the Past to Support Nationalism

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am curious given your passion has been history you have explored things nobody seems to have. What has impressed me is how you pull history together in such a logical way you make it come alive. My question is the origin of Germany. We were taught here in school that Germany […]

Understanding the Fractal Nature of TIME

COMMENT: I attended your 2015 WEC where you laid out the future for the euro. I was skeptical, to say the least. All these people constantly focus on the dollar. Then your model gave buy signals on the euro and you said it would then rally into 2018 and that could form the slingshot down. […]

RULE #1 – Never Marry the Trade

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; The goldbugs hate you for calling the top and a bear market. To my surprise, I searched Money Week here in London and it came up with an article in 2008 confirming you also called the temporary high in 2008 before the slingshot up into 2011 and were off 4 days on a […]

2018 – Panic Cycle Year

QUESTION: Mr. Armsyrong; Thank you for an eye-opening conference. Can’t wait for this year. You said 2018 was a Panic Cycle Year and that it would be unlikely to create an outside reversal in the Dow, but we should expect wild times ahead. Is this panic cycle impacting many other markets as well? JV ANSWER: […]

The Euro on Yearly Models – Let the Crazy Times Roll

QUESTION: Reviewing the private blog, at the end of 2016 on December 31 you wrote “When it comes to the Euro, the Major Yearly Bearish Reversal lies at 10365 and the intraday low for 2016 was 10352 closing the year at 10513. This too warns that we may not be ready to meltdown just yet.” […]

The 2018 Outlook Report

We are now starting the 2018 Outlook Report and this is going to be a shocker. We are looking at the start of a Panic Cycle Year in many markets. This warns we can see dramatic volatility that will make your nose bleed. Slingshots are highly likely 2018 and this will be indeed a time […]

The Dow & Trump Tax Reform

The Trump Tax Reform reducing the corporate tax to 21% and taking effect January 1st, 2018 rather than being delayed until 2019, will be one of the biggest positive catalysts for US equities in decades. This is very interesting because it is now fundamentally validating what our computer has been projecting for highs going up […]

The Confusion in Gold

QUESTION #1: [_____] says that the dollar will collapse because with the debt ceiling gone – no more buyers of Treasuries in the markets and only the Fed Reserve buying – inflation goes to the wazoo. All over USA. care to comment? ANSWER: Total nonsense. The USA debt of $20 trillion is a tiny fraction […]

The Euro & the Dollar

Nothing has yet changed. We are still 500 points away from the start of important resistance. Keep in mind that the ONLY way to break the bank of the monetary system will be a STRONG DOLLAR – not a weaker on. People far too often make a serious mistake and believe that a strong currency […]

Gold – Dow – Euro & Socrates Update

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am a long time reader of your blog from India. I am learning about a lot many things about Finance & Economics from your blog, than I learned by going to College. Truly, what is being taught in Academic institutions is far from what actually happens. I am an Investor […]