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Term Limits: The Solution for Eliminating Career Politicians

It really does not matter which party we are discussing. The problem with politics has been that the PEOPLE have been so complacent, that the politicians feel as if they can do anything with total immunity. The Clintons set up a Canadian branch for their charity so that they would not have to disclose it, […]

The Solution DVD

  It will take 4 to 6 weeks, but we will produce the full version for those who attended and a 90 minute condensed version that will be available soon on Amazon for $29.95. Those who want to view the full version online may do so. I have been asked to do one tailored to […]

Yes You Can Still Watch the Solution Conference

  It is amazing the sheer number of people still coming in to see this conference. Perhaps the word is getting out. Looks like we will now exceed 10,000. This is becoming very interesting.

Solution Conference

  I would like to thank everyone for participating. This event may have been the largest financial conference in history with more than 5,000 attending from 47 countries. If everyone watched bringing just one friend, then we probably exceeded 10,000. The whole purpose of this event was to start the ball rolling with a discussion […]

Solution Conference – This Saturday March 28th 11:30-3PM

Those who desire to attend the Live-Stream Broadcast on Saturday, will be sent a link. This link will work only once for the live broadcast. Thereafter, we will be uploading the recorded version to our system which will be different. The actual live broadcast is really live and one time. Thereafter, it will be provided […]

Solution Conference Links Are Going Out by Email

  We have an unbelievable turnout for the live stream. We have had to purchase additional bandwidth for this may be more than even Netflix gets at a single time. Those looking to sign up for the stream please do it now.  This will be live but you can also watch it for the next […]

History a Catalogue of Patterns and Solutions

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your command of history is really amazing. There appears to be no area you have left unexplored. You bring everything together tied in a neat bundle that makes it all come to life. I showed your account of Julius Caesar and specialists in history have said they have never seen someone […]

Solutions Conference – March 28th at Princeton, NJ

The Solution’s Conference is being moved up and made available for everyone via a live stream on the web. Because we can all “feel” 2015.75 coming this time, it is obviously important to get the debates started there as well. We are also working on a bill to be introduced into Congress as to also […]

The Coming Solution Conference – Live Stream

Governments are always causing the crisis – it is not the private sector. The S&L Crisis unfolded when they went around locking up bankers for losing money was just an example. First Congress created tax incentives with tax loophole to stimulate real estate in a one-size-fits-all manner as always. They created a boom in office […]

Greece – Is there a Solution?

The outstanding national debt of Greece according to EuroStat was almost 320 billion euros at the end of 2013. The question is how can this crisis be resolved? Merkel is tearing Europe apart and her ideas of austerity are in conflict with the very concept that governments borrow perpetually expanding their debt and never repay. […]