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Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Conference March 21st

  The Occupy Wall Street movement was the nonviolent beginning pre-2014. We are now entering the violent stage of the Cycle of War. This Conference is being offered to everyone at $250 a seat. Cycles of War Conference March 21st, 2014

March 21st Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The Cycle of War is turning up in 2014 and this cycle is already having a profound impact both internationally as well as internally around the globe. This cycle has been extremely accurate and has been established using a database that has indexed the war cycle distinguishing domestic conflicts (revolutions) from international war. This index […]

China’s Sovereign Wealth Fund $575 billion and growing

Europe and the United States cannot compete for the future because their governments are like black holes sucking in the wealth of their own people and squandering it on unproductive forces. When we look at the former communistic empires of China and Russia, we see countries building from clean slates rather than imploding trying to […]

US Debt Default & China – A Matter of Sovereignty

The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has sent a clear message to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday. Li told him that for “China the issue of the American debt ceiling [is of] great attention”. His statements were published on the government website. These remarks, as short as they are, demonstrate that the financial […]

Netherlands Falling into Sovereign Debt Crisis

Netherlands is slipping down the Sovereign Debt Crisis as austerity measures failed. Netherlands will miss the EU’s deficit target, says a report by the State Economic Institute CPB. Prime Minister Mark Rutte is considered strong advocate stricter EU budgetary rules, but he fails because the entire idea of how to run a government used by modern […]

Capital Flows – The 4.3 Year Directional Change & Sovereign Debt Crisis

QUESTION: I have been following your articles but I am confused by your latest few articles. Previously you were mentioning that there will be a flight to quality as US has the largest debt market in the world. You also mentioned that this flight of quality will worsen the debt crisis in US into 2015.75. However, […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD – $29.95 + $5 Shipping

    Martin Armstrong guides us through economic history. Detailing previous sovereign collapses by showing examples of similar situations to what we are witnessing today. Armstrong explains there are only few possible outcomes to the current crisis and unless a radical change occurs we will face similar fates as our ancestors have seen before. A […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD Has Arrived – $29.95 + $5 Shipping

  Martin Armstrong guides us through economic history. Detailing previous sovereign collapses by showing examples of similar situations to what we are witnessing today. Armstrong explains there are only few possible outcomes to the current crisis and unless a radical change occurs we will face similar fates as our ancestors have seen before. A sovereign […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The purpose of the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference that was filmed for a movie is not to say gee where can I put my money for 10 years and not worry about it. That does not exist. We are facing the meltdown of society as government gets more controlling than ever in history. Switzerland was […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

  We would like to thank everyone that attended, and apologize for those who wanted to attend but we were at full capacity and were unable to get a larger room. It was filmed so we will try to see what can be prepared for  DVD,