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Turkey looking to Cut Taxes to Fight Inflation?

Since the beginning of the year, the Turkish currency has lost more than a third of its value against the dollar. As the currency declines, imports rise in cost since they are denominated in foreign currency.  This adds to the inflation problem domestically. Among other things, the sharp criticism of Erdoğan in the markets has cast doubt on the independence […]

Real Estate – Taxes – Currency

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I bought ‘The World Real Estate Report’ at the end of 2016. It stated that Australian real estate was going to fall after the first quarter (March) in 2016. The property prices in Melbourne (where I live) continued to rise in April 2016 so I sent an email to Socrates Support asking […]

Taxes – Worldwide v Residency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I remember you mentioning US is the only country to tax worldwide income, it seems that China is moving to modify their IIT effective Oct 1, 2018, to include anyone staying in China for more than 183 days. Is this the same as the US? Can you comment/share with us your opinion? Thanks, […]

Gov Cuomo says People are Fleeing NY Because of Weather not Taxes

New York State Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo has blamed the upstate extremely cold weather (Global Warming) for the reason people have been fleeing his state NOT taxes. This comes as no surprise, for Democrats are closet Marxists and love more taxes and assume the people love to be taxed and always ask for more. Like the Global Warming […]

September Breaks all Records for Snow Fall Because Obviously Canadians Don’t Pay Enough in Global Warming Taxes to Make a Difference

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong; I met you here in Edmonton years ago. I think you are the only analyst to have ever bothered to come up this far. I still read you as to many here. I just wanted to tell you that the snow is early and in Alberta, it looks like we will have […]

Really Crazy Taxes That Altered Society like the Beard Tax Creating Resistance & Status Symbols

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As a Canuck, I enjoyed your piece on the window and step tax for I fear Trudeau may start reading your blog for ideas. You have to come up with a program that blocks politicians. I love how they call Trump a racist down there showing they are real idiots for they do not know […]

The Hunt for Taxes In Spain

COMMENT:  Dear Marty, Hope you are doing great. Recently you may have heard Cristiano Ronaldo, the best football (what you guys wrongfully call soccer 😉 ) player in the world has left Spain’s Real Madrid and signed for Italian Juventus. There are many reasons behind this which involve broken promises of a better salary and […]

New Jersey To Now Tax Water Supply as Well – Creative Greed of Taxes

Politicians are truly amazing. When they need money, they are never short of ideas of things to tax. New Jersey is proposing to now tax water from the tap. The proposal is being submitted by State Senator Bob Smith D-Middlesex. Of course, Smith is trying to say it’s not actually a tax and calling it a “user […]

Uganda Taxes the Internet Deny Access Unless you Pay Your Taxes

I have been warning that there are no rules when it comes to the greed of government. Throughout history, the ideas behind taxes keep popping up in slightly different ways. For example, your freedom to travel can be suspended and your passport revoked if you owe the IRS more than $50,000. In Ancient Rome, it […]

The Supreme Court Just Destroyed the Economy in the Hunt for Taxes

The Supreme Court in SOUTH DAKOTA v. WAYFAIR, INC, just handed down the most devastating and unconstitutional rule perhaps in American history in a 5-4 ruling that we will look back upon as the straw that broke the back of the economy. The Supreme Court has totally rejected EVERYTHING that the United States was built upon […]