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Warning Capital Outflows from Europe Are the Greatest in the World Economy

  Our models based upon reliable source flow data is currently showing that the Eurozone is the NUMBER ONE place in the world with the greatest amount of capital fleeing than any other region in worldwide. This is indicating that the CONFIDENCE in the Euro Project appears to be collapsing among the most conservative elements […]

Understanding TIME is the Key to How the World Works

COMMENT: I fully agree with the comment on the different time levels. I encountered a critic who said you were wrong on the euro. When I said I made money using your model and followed the buy signals he looked at me as if I was lying. They judge you like everyone else in this one-dimensional way. They […]

The Central Bank Crisis on the Immediate Horizon

While the majority keep bashing the Federal Reserve, other central banks seem to escape any criticism. The European Central Bank under Mario Draghi has engaged in what history will call the Great Monetary Experiment of the 21st Century – the daring experiment of negative interest rates. A look behind the scenes reveals that this experiment has […]

War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

Understanding the Markets

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; On your January 29 blog, you wrote “In the US Share Market, this is now a turning point we have reached. I have warned for months that exceeding the November high would lead to a January high. Now, the failure of February to make new highs warns of a March low. The support […]

Is There a Cycle to Religion?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong,  With the rise and fall of civilizations comes the rise and fall of religion. Are we due for a new religion to be born, or to have a rapid growth of popularity? Christianity grew rapidly during the fall of the Roman empire, and with the persecution of believers, where are we today […]

Visualizing Cycles in Your Mind Helps to Comprehend How to Respond to Events

QUESTION: Is there a way to teach cycles that will enable others to see them more easily? ANSWER: Oh yes. Students who developed visual mental models of cyclical principles flourish, while students who tried to learn cycles by rote invariably struggled. The mental picture is critical. It is a roadmap to the future. Just visualize […]

Lativa Banking Crisis Unfolding on Schedule – Will it Lead to a European Contagion?

  The Latvian Financial Supervisory Authority is concerned announcing a resolution plan for the crisis bank ABLV that is threatening a contagion risk of further closures of financial institutions in the country with a predominantly foreign customer base. There is a serious risk of a contagion unfolding that will also force consolidation and mergers in […]

Turkey – Default or War?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My father was ______ the banker who commissioned you to do the Turkish lira hedging project in 1983. He passed away as you know. I found this material in his files on Turkey that you apparently published back in 1985. Some articles are saying that Turkey is the epic center of debt. […]

Erdoğan Wants to Revise the Treaty of Lausanne

The War Cycle is in full swing upward since 2014. We have witnessed the invasion of Ukraine, the invasion of Syria, Rocketman in North Korea, and numerous civil uprisings. However, the war also comes with sharply declining economies as political leaders need to point the finger outside their domestic rule to distract their people. The Turkish […]