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Jefferson’s Proposal for an Expiring Constitution on a 19-Year Cycle

If there was ever a person who I would say was a mentor to me with respect to political understanding, it is Thomas Jefferson. It was interesting that Jefferson was often attacked because of his ideas. In an 18th-century presidential campaign, people slandered Jefferson’s candidacy to support John Adams, accusing Jefferson of being “half Injun, half […]

The Federal Reserve: Part IV – The Bankers Strike Bank

Paul Volcker Former Fed Chairman The entire theory of how to manage an economy via the rise and fall of the money supply being the sole cause of inflation or deflation was discredited post-1971 with the birth of the Floating Exchange Rate System. Unbeknownst to the vast majority, the entire accounting system of trade had been […]

Comment from Retired Police Chief

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Many cops do not think beyond a violation of a law to see the bigger picture of what is really going on, they buy into whatever reason is given for a new program, or they like the government bodies they serve see a cash stream that they think they can use as […]

Aristotle & Education

COMMENT: Hello Martin, The volume and content of the work you are putting out is both phenomenal and sincerely appreciated. In relation to your recent topics on education and learning, Dorothy Sayers wrote an interesting article in 1947 about the “Lost Tools of Learning” where she referenced Aristotles Trivium, Quadrivium based work that has […]

How to Think May Be the Key to Everything

QUESTION:  Marty, I am an avid reader and a big fan. My mind now works much better than ever, and I am nearing my 60th year. Thank you for trying to better society in such a selfless way. My question for today is this…how do you do it? What I am referring to is the […]

The 8.6 seems to be in Religious Texts as well

COMMENT: Marty – love your analysis based on 4.3 and 8.6 year cycles. You state that this is all over everywhere and in all markets. Correct, and it is even seen in the Book of Daniel (Bible). Towards the end of Daniel, we see the angel mentioning about 1290 weeks. Well, 1290 (just the number) […]

Discourse on Voluntary Servitude

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I realize this topic is not your normal everyday discussion in your blogs and it does not matter to me if you post this or not, However, I thought you might like this condensed story between my wife and I. To be honest here,  I recently read a very small book written […]

An Interesting Idea

COMMENT: Remember the musical Cats or Les Miserables; the 60’s songs “Ruby, don’t take your love to town” & “Billy don’t be a hero”; Ralph Nader’s “Only the Super Rich Can Save Us”; Bob Geldorf’s “BandAid”; Earth Hour or New Years? If only your work were similarly processed, your message would go viral globally. Imagine a […]

Measles & 51.6 Year Cycle?

COMMENT:  Martin, thank you for the work. Your discovery of the pi cycle is just amazing. I am a mom and you probably heard about the latest measles outbreak from Disneyland and now the scare to force vaccinate everyone. It turns out, I just read that the measles vaccine program started about 52 years ago. […]

Sun & Economy

COMMENT #1: I see they are continuing to plagiarize your work. I see this all over. [Now sun & economy]. Well I get that’s a form of flattery. Nice day to you Marty. Norm COMMENT  #2: Marty, now they are suddenly claiming the business cycle is driven by the sun. It is astonishing how much you are […]