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Dow & The Week of Dec 15th

  For months, our computer has been targeting next week – the week of December 15th. This target appears poised to present a low perhaps on Monday, which is also a panic cycle target.   We can see that the Dow has remained nicely within the upward channel. So far it has not broken key […]

Enough is Enough – Shut the Gov’t Down Rather The Repeal Dodd-Frank

Jamie Dimon, head of JP Morgan, personally telephoned individual lawmakers to urge them to vote for the repeal of Dodd Frank. This is getting really out of hand. Let us make this very clear. Besides the fact that these banks LACK the models to prevent them from blowing up every single time running to government with […]

Dow Jones Update Dec 10, 2014

The Dow did not elect any bearish reversals. During a breakout, the market typically falls back to retest the channel from which it broke-out. Any sustainable pause require a closing below 17235 for starters. A close below 17644 will suggest a move back into the upward channel. Nevertheless, the first hurdle remains in the mid […]

Crude Oil Down Almost 5% Today

  Crude oil has collapsed under $65 to a new five-year low on predictions that oversupply would keep building until 2015. Indeed, We are preparing a special report on Energy. Some people have assumed this is a covert manipulation to bankrupt Russia. This is not true. We are in the last throes of the collapse […]

Confidence in Economy Turning Down Outside USA

The UK POLLING REPORT latest poll conducted yesterday in Britain for the sun and the times. Not so much a poll about voting intentions rather a poll about voters perception of the state of the economy. Findings: Sun = 25% of people expected the economy to get better in the year ahead, down from 39% in march. […]

Putin’s Tell the Nation on TV: The West wants the downfall of Russia

President Vladimir Putin in a solemn speech to the nation accused the West of wanting to destroy Russia. Over $100 billion has left Russia and Putin now seeks to tax Russian tax exiles offering a comprehensive amnesty if they return.

Japan Downgraded By Moodys

Moody’s has cut Japan’s credit rating by one notch over rising doubts about its ability to reduce debt levels. Japan has the worst debt to GDP among the major nations. It has been able to weather that given the fact that most of its debt is a real Ponzi Scheme being held domestically. We have […]

The Dow – Starting a Cycle Inversion?

  The golden rule of trading is just this – What goes sideways when it should move up or down, moves in the opposite direction even stronger. Where we achieved the temp low in gold on the target week of 11/03, the Dow has moved sideways and is crawling along resistance. Given the G20 position […]

Site will be Down at most for 1 hr between midnight to 5am during the week between US & Asian Hours

The site will go down for 30 minutes to 1 hour for server maintenance which will occur during this week between 12:00 am and 5:00 am. We expect the estimated downtime to be 30 to 45 minutes while the server is rebooted. This maintenance will add some additional security layers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may […]

Downs & Armstrong from Capitol Hill – Will Anything Change?