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Gold Better in Euros than Dollars?

QUESTION: G’day guys. Thanks for a great seminar in Hong Kong! I’m reading through your 1 world currency report and find it very interesting, going back to primary school teachings about barter systems and some funny monetary acceptances that have been in place many years ago. Like 14.5 kg copper plates as a currency only back […]

Will the Dollar Crash at the End of September?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem often to be the guy with the level head when everyone else is losing it. Now we have this doomsday day prediction of the end of the dollar come September 27th to 30th, depending on the guru selling newsletters. They are focused on the IMF simply recalculating the SDR to […]

More Delusional Gold Theories?

1931 COMMENT: Every gold analyst says you are wrong and that gold stocks rose during the Great Depression as the only hedge. Would you care to comment. I bet not. REPLY: Some of these people are not interested in the truth, and quite frankly, deserve what they will get. Why are they always so nasty? […]

Gold: The Pending Question

Gold Room Fort Knox QUESTION: Martin, With your recent comments on gold; you seem to be implicitly suggesting people to sell their gold, since there is a good chance for it to bottom-out at a sub-$1000 level. Wouldn’t it make far more sense to hold onto it at least till November? 1) We don’t know for […]

Economic Evolution & the Sixth Wave

QUESTIONS: (1) Mr. Armstrong; I have read theories that this wave of economic evolution you displayed as the sixth wave at the Solution Conference  is the transformation from the industrialized world that was based upon commodities to the new age of intellectual development necessitates a new deflationary age in commodities. Some seem to be even […]

What Level of Debt

QUESTION: Martin Do you mean only on a federal level? Would people’s home mortgage be wiped away? I would think not but if it’s a true reset who knows Regards, JCL ANSWER: The ONLY debt is Federal, not private and not state or muni. They will trade as is on the market. This will end […]


United States Court of Appeals,Second Circuit. Martin A. ARMSTRONG, Petitioner-Appellant, v. Joseph R. GUCCIONE, United States Marshal for the Southern District of New York, and Marvin D. Morrison, Warden, Metropolitan Correctional Center, Respondents-Appellees, Alan M. Cohen, Intervenor Receiver-Appellee. Docket Nos. 04-5448-PR(L), 05-0280-PR(CON). Decided: November 27, 2006 Before:  WALKER, LEVAL and SOTOMAYOR, Circuit Judges. Thomas V. Sjoblom […]

You Are Not Alone

QUESTION:  Martin, One of my friends who reads you said reading your stuff is like getting a graduate level course in political economics.  You’ve said that various colleges have asked that you teach.  You should suggest to them that they simply require their students to read your on line postings. I am curious as to […]

Crimea was the Origin of the Black Death that killed 50% of Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am impressed with your models and the cycle of war. What has truly astonished many of your readers in Eastern Europe is how you focused on Ukraine and said this is the flash point before anything happened and then you said wait until after the Olympics and then Russia will invade. […]

Ptolemy I Soter

Ptolemy I Soter I (367– c. 283 BC) was a Macedonian general under Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt (323–283 BC) and founder of both the Ptolemaic Kingdom and the Ptolemaic Dynasty. He insisted upon accepting the Egyptian title of pharaoh. To keep with Egyptian and Macedonian culture, Ptolemy took great pains in […]