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At Last – Clinton Foundation Gets Investigated

What goes around, comes around. The Washington Post has reported that the Department of Justice has instructed the US Attorney’s Office to investigate the controversial sale of a uranium group to Russia during the presidency of Barack Obama and the role of the Clinton Foundation. The Obama administration approved the deal in 2010 giving Moscow control […]

The Coming Censorhip

The entire nonsense that the political election was “influenced” by Russia propagated by Hillary who paid for the dossier that started this whole mess. The clandestine firm that created the false dossier on Trump is refused to cooperate with Congress. Now because of all this i9nsinuation about “influence” by Russians, Google stated that it is […]

Political Prosecutions in Full Swing

Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, was indicted on charges of money laundering and conspiracy against the United States. This is a very serious step yet in a special counsel investigation into Russian links with Trump’s 2016 White House campaign. The real issue is not justice – there is no such […]

Idiots who try to control the world and blame everyone else for their failure

COMMENT: Ok Mr. Armstrong, this is nuts; You are starting to freak me out with this forecasting. The last 2 months has blown me away when a few more elements of your methodology lit my bulb a little brighter. This may sound like you paid me to advertise for you but most of us know you’re […]

New Zealand to Foreigners – Get Out!

The New Zealand Prime Minister that took the country back into Marxism, has fired its first shot across the bow.  The Labour party have formally signed a coalition agreement, introducing all new policies focusing on climate change, regional development, and poverty which translates into hunting the hated rich. Thirty-seven-year-old Jacinda Ardern, a member of the New […]

Obama Administration Bribed by Russians?

Another example of how corrupt it is in Washington, the prior Obama Administration, including Hillary, approved the Russian purchase of American uranium resources, it turns out that the FBI has gathered evidence confirming that there was bribery taking place for Russia to get the deal. Of course, Loretta Lynch never investigates Democrats when her own Administration is the […]

Being Humble is Required for Trading

QUESTION: I have a personal question. You have said that what you know has been taught to you by your clients. People who attend your WEC say you are humble and not arrogant. Could you explain that? MN ANSWER: Look. You cannot go to university to get a degree in trading or being a hedge fund […]

The Political Turf War in Europe and why Britain is Considering Joining NAFTA

QUESTION: Marty; There is talk that Britain will join NAFTA rather than the EU. Does that make sense? What do you think? ANSWER: The EU is in a death spiral. Every law they pass is to preserve their own power – not for the good of the people or Europe. Once again, the government solution always […]

Democrats & Their State of Denial

QUESTION: Do you see any validity to the Democrats crying Russia stole the election from Hillary? ANSWER: No. People quickly forget that the polls at the time showed that the MAJORITY of Americans who had actually cast their votes early were worried about the direction of the country. They also responded that they wanted a […]

Democrats Collapsing with Socialism?

QUESTION: Marty; I just read Time Magazine that said the Democrats are in the worse shape since 1929. I understand you take no personal credit for all of these amazing forecasts you provide on so many topics. You have clearly shown that the world is connected and the global trend is identifiable. Can your computer […]