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Market Talk – June 17, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy steadied for a second month, a sign that the post-pandemic recovery is in a more stable phase and that growth is slowly rebalancing toward the consumer. Industrial production rose 6.6% in May on a two-year average basis — which strips out the impact of last year’s pandemic — while retail sales grew […]

Understanding We Are All Connected

COMMENT #1:  Re Institutionalizing of Real Estate Market Hi Marty Thank you for this post, I see your point that it is better that hedge funds buy real assets then plunge the world into a financial crisis with a pump and dump scam based on securitizing mortgages into packages calling them A rated when they […]

Real Estate – Alternative to Bonds

QUESTION #1: It has become impossible to buy houses between $300-$500,000 in the Orlando area. From a realtor, he said that Blackrock is buying everything and they rely on a famous forecaster who said real estate is the only way to earn income. He said he heard it was someone in Florida. Is that you? […]

Market Talk – June 15, 2021

ASIA: NATO leaders warned on Monday that China presents “systemic challenges,” taking a forceful stance towards Beijing in a communique at Joe Biden’s first summit with an alliance that Donald Trump openly disparaged. The new U.S. president has urged his fellow NATO leaders to stand up to China’s authoritarianism and growing military might, a change […]

Modern-Day Serfdom is the End Goal?

QUESTION: Regarding the G7, which committed us to more stimulus, I can totally see where this is going. You are the historian. Do you not think this is where we end up – capitatio-lugatio. Same exact pattern. Anonymous ANSWER: For those who are not familiar with capitatio-lugatio, this was the tax collection system developed by Diocletian […]

G7 Moving to Destroy Economy & Democracy

  The G7 meeting +1 (EU) met in Cornwall in southwest England. The London Financial Times, which has openly come out and advocated the Great Reset, reported that “Joe Biden has won support at the G7 summit for a ‘carry on spending’ plan, as western leaders rejected austerity in a post-Covid world and vowed to […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2021

ASIA: China has denounced a US Senate bill worth approximately $250bn that aims to boost American technology and manufacturing prowess as an example of the US hyping up “the so-called China threat,” and accused Washington of attempting to hinder its development. The Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved the Innovation and Competition Act. The expansive legislation, […]

Market Talk – June 7, 2021

ASIA: China bought fewer American products in May versus the prior month, while exports to the U.S. rose, according to customs data released Monday. China bought $13.11 billion dollars worth of goods from the U.S. in May, down from $13.94 billion in April, data accessed through Wind Information showed. May’s figure marked the lowest monthly […]

Market Talk – June 3, 2021

ASIA: Chinese businesses are letting go of more workers than they are hiring, even though the economy is seeing some recovery from the pandemic, official data showed Monday. A survey conducted by National Bureau of Statistics, which polls businesses on how their operations have changed from the prior month, and compiles the responses into two […]

FREXIT is Rising

There is a rising minority that is starting to blame France’s prolonged economic decline on joining the euro. They are demanding that Macron take back control of their country. Creating the euro never produced the single interest rate as promised, nor did it transform Europe into the image of the United States. Their misunderstanding of […]