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Big Bang & USA

QUESTION: Do you see the Fed moving to digital currency and perpetual bonds simultaneously with other nations? I think it would be harder to pull off here, but then again, they may have no choice. I guess they have a lot of reasons to get rid of Trump, but there’s more on the side of […]

Market Talk – October 14, 2020

ASIA: China’s stock market has soared to a record high of more than $10tn as the world’s second-largest economy continues a rapid bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic. The total value of all company shares listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets rallied to hit USD 10.08tn (£7.7bn) on Wednesday, according to figures compiled by […]

Market Talk – October 9, 2020

ASIA: The recovery in China’s service sector activity extended into a fifth straight month in September, an industry survey showed on Friday, with hiring increasing for the second month in a row. The Caixin/Markit services Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose to 54.8 from August’s 54.0, the highest reading since June and staying well above the […]

Using Every Trick in the Book

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I know you have said several times that the maniacs pushing this Great Reset are going to lose, but are your models showing any idea on WHEN the tipping point is going to be reached here where the majority see through the nonsense and stop co-operating? I’m based in the UK and […]

Welcome to the next 2 years of Sheer Madness

QUESTION: You do not think given the present animosity between the 2 parties, it would be best to let the Democrats win? If you consider the KAOS for example fallowing a republican win, wouldn’t It be best to let the communists win, give them 4 years to destroy the economy, & any chance they will […]

Parliamentary advisor to the German Bundestag Has Come Out Warn the People

Warnung an die Bevölkerung Anonym, September 2020 Parlamentarischer Berater des Deutschen Bundestages Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, ich wende mich als Mitarbeiter des Deutschen Bundestages mit der Funktion eines parlamentarischen Beraters an Sie. Durch meine Tätigkeit im Parlament habe ich Kenntnis davon, dass den Menschen in unserem Land wichtige Informationen in Zusammenhang mit der Coronakrise gezielt […]

Market Talk – September 29, 2020

ASIA: Chinese online media firm Sina Corp. is quitting Wall Street as Chinese tech companies come under heightened scrutiny in the United States. The Beijing-based firm is being taken private by its chairman and chief executive, Charles Chao, in a deal that values the company at $2.6 billion, Sina (SINA) said in a statement on […]

Black Market & Gold

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, If this “Great Reset” movement pushes gold underground, what would that mean for gold producers? I recall reading on your blog that when gold was confiscated in the United States to devalue the Dollar, gold producers were happy because governments started buying their product at a fixed price which allowed the […]

Market Talk – September 24, 2020

ASIA: ByteDance has applied for a tech export license in China as it races to seal a deal with Oracle Corp and Walmart Inc with hopes will end the US’ government plans to ban its TikTok video-streaming app on security grounds, Reuters reported. The Beijing-based firm submitted the application to Beijing’s municipal commerce bureau and […]

Britain Calling in Military to Enforce its COVID-19 Restrictions Without Parliament Debate

COMMENT: Has social media replaced civil disobedience, do people vent their spleens over a keyboard and feel that they’ve made their contribution. When will we see politicians hanging from lampposts? Cheers A REPLY: It is clever to call anyone who disagrees with this agenda a “conspiracy theorist” so then they do not have to answer […]