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A Nose for Trading

QUESTION: I realize my opinion is of little consequence; but I find something interesting and needed to share. After doing a lot of backtesting using many criteria over many stocks my unqualified opinion is that no fixed criteria can be used analyze stock charts over time and many stocks. I worked with a well respected […]

Germany & the SPD Proposed Wealth Tax

Acting SPD leader Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel has drafted a concept for a wealth tax. He is proposing that this will bring the federal government €10 billion annually. He has argued that the rich have disproportionately benefited from the economic situation in recent years while the average person has struggled. He claims many even benefited from the […]

Market Talk – August 26, 2019

ASIA: Over the weekend, the Hong Kong protests began to turn violent with the police stating 100 rioters were armed with weapons. Police fired a live warning shot at a protesting crowd as well as using water cannons to disburse the crowds. Overall, 86 people were arrested including one twelve-year-old. It was said that around […]

China v US Trade War

China understands the difference between the German mercantilist model of manufacturing and sells to everyone else and the United States which became the largest economy in the world because it allowed its domestic consumer economy to develop. China will become the largest economy in the world and take the crown from the United States because […]

The Propaganda Trade on the Pound – History Repeats

COMMENT: Dear Marty, In your recent blog about BREXIT and the Yellow Hammer leak, you say: “British pound is still under pressure as the propaganda machine is in full force”. Surely anyone can see is that the £ falls whenever no-deal propaganda is in the ascendancy, and £ rises when Remain or Brexit with a […]

The Fed’s Real Crisis – To Cut or Not to Cut

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only person who distinguishes private interest rates v public. Has the marketplace gone insane along with Trump demanding 100 basis point cut by the Fed? I find it curious how they only quote the same people in the press who seem to preach the government position […]

Market Talk – August 8, 2019

ASIA: A lot of economic news emerging from China and some is somewhat surprising too. The 3.3% rise in exports YoY overpowered the memories of a 1.3% decline in June, the data from State Customs has revealed. This shows that China could perhaps outlast any tariffs and issues the US throws its way. Unsurprisingly, overall […]

Omar’s Anti-Semitic Comments Glossed over by Democrats

The House approved a second resolution last week condemning “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry” in a move that Democrats hope will quell the latest uproar over Rep. Ilhan Omar’s criticism of Israel. Omar made comments at a Washington, D.C., coffee shop where she again questioned the pro-Israel lobby’s influence in American politics. […]

False Flags – Not the Fringe Conspiracy but Reality

QUESTION: Are false flags by governments part of the end of this cycle or a modern practice? And why is it called a false flag? DK ANSWER: No – they are very real. Politicians have made false allegations to start wars and prosecute people politically since there have been politicians. The term “false flag” was […]

Market Talk – July 15, 2019

ASIA: China’s released new data today that showed the economy grew at the slowest pace in 27 years, with the trade war with the United States being the prime suspect. China grew 6.2% in the second quarter of 2019, a drop from 6.4% in the first quarter, according to data released by the Chinese government. […]