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World Economic Conference in Berlin November 27-28

The Berlin conference will differ from that of Princeton from the standpoint that the questions posed by the audience will tend to be focused more upon Europe and the prospects for the survival of the EU itself. There will be a number of people attending from Britain as well, so we will undoubtedly have a number […]

Understanding Trading

The most fundamental truth about trading is that your opponent is YOURSELF. The majority must be wrong because they are the fuel that propels the market. The market enters a flash-type crash when the vast majority is LONG and they try to sell but there is no bid. Far too many people demonize trading such as “paper gold”, arguing that it is […]

Politicians Have Absolutely No Endgame

Here is a list of the demands that the European Commission placed upon Greece. They are totally insane without any comprehension of the future. These demands are without any common sense and there is absolutely no endgame here to be found. The EU officials are simply crushing the Greek economy and if Greece adopted these […]

Market Talk

Interesting day in bunds where we saw initial weakness as the safe haven bid was unwound, only to see it all reverse at the end of the day! GGB 2yr got messy at one stage on headlines (needless to say, no IMF repayment was made) and was last seen 50bp higher at 35.75% at the time of this writing. YTD […]

Greek Referendum is a Vote on Grexit

Brussel’s worst nightmare is coming true. The one thing the Troika has fought so hard to do is kill any democratic vote on the euro by the people in every country. This is not about the terms of austerity, which they still cannot understand is DEFLATIONARY and supports debt holders at the expense of society because politicians borrow forever, […]

Can We Help Greece?

A slew of emails have been coming in asking if we would help Greece if they leave the euro. ABSOLUTELY YES! This week we have people in Athens meeting as I write, offering at this stage an informal proposal should the people vote to leave the euro. This would be the GREATEST of all events that would not merely […]

Yanis Reveals EU Denial of Any Right of the People to Vote

Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has come out to reveal the quite shocking and anti-democratic events that took place during the last Eurogroup meeting. First, they do hate Yanis’ guts, for he understands far more about the economy than anyone in Brussels. At their demand, any further discussions will be without him. What led to the EU […]

World in Review: The Greek Tragedy Continues to Set the Tone

  The Greek drama of Greek Tragedy continues with a rumored agreement to continue the stimulus in return for promised reforms, only to have Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announce a surprise referendum on July 5 after June 30, which puts the IMF payment into default. Late last week EurAsia group’s Ian Bremmer remained confident […]

EU Banning Selfies Under Copyright of Architect?

Remembrance photos in front of the Reichstag or other famous buildings in Europe may be banned in the future. The European Parliament will vote on the abolition of the so-called panorama freedom. Thus, a Facebook publication of vacation pictures with buildings in the background would be allowed only with the permission of the architect. So under their insane […]

Greece Imposes Capital Controls

Alexis Tsipras has imposed capital controls as Greek banks are to remain closed. The European Central Bank (ECB) said it was not increasing emergency funding to Greek banks, clearly trying to hurt the Greek people to force them to stay in the euro to protect jobs in Brussels. Greece is due to make a €1.6 […]