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Jean-Claude Juncker Is Creating a Political EU Commission – Non-Politicians Get Out

Incoming European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has cleverly created an EU executive that is essentially former politicians only. His intention has been that he wants only those with political experience to become a commissioner. He began soliciting a number of ex-prime ministers on his team who know the job and how to handle public opinion. Juncker realized that […]

BREXIT – Bank of England Researching Departing From EU

The Bank of England is studying the implications of a possible British exit from the European Union, as it slipped in an email to the Guardian acknowledging such a study. This is standard operating procedure for the BoE and is to be expected. It is by no means confirmation that Britain will leave. Rather, it is […]

It’s All Connected – Just Open Your Eyes

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I must say your analysis of the dow for the last six months is simply mind blowing. Everything you said has been accurate. You are right that most will not get what your saying because they are stuck in a linear world – not a dynamic world. You did say markets would churn […]

The Secret Meeting in London to End Cash

I find it extremely perplexing that I have been the only one to report of the secret meeting in London. Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University, and Willem Butler, the Chief Economist at Citigroup, will address the central banks to advocate the elimination of all cash to bring to fruition the day when you cannot buy or sell anything without […]

Merkel Spying on France & EU Commission?

So far, Angela Merkel has beaten every scandal that has emerged, from the euro to the NSA. She has been the real pillar in the euro and it now seems she may have one scandal too many. Merkel has perhaps been the most popular German head of state post-war. People are starting to ask, is […]

Nyenrode University

Yesterday, I spoke by invitation at the prestigious Dutch Nyenrode Business University, situated on a 13th century estate with its own genuine castle, moat, and drawbridges. This is the only university of its kind with such a unique atmosphere and remains the only private university in the Netherlands, which explains the invitation. The questions were interesting, to say […]

Fractional v Transactional Banking

It is amazing how some people still do not understand. Some of the nasty comments we receive typically talk about gold, arguing that gold is money – nothing else – and I am dead wrong for saying that fractional banking is not the greatest evil. Example: “You talk about transitional banking that is wrong, I […]

Hillary Clinton’s Lucrative Life of Crime

It is very interesting how outside of the U.S. people see Hillary for who she really is What is really interesting is that outside the USA, everyone sees Hillary for what she really is — a greedy politician. Of course, MSNBC would never say a bad word against Hillary for she walks on water. When […]

Funding the Movie

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been a fan of yours for a long time and congratulations on the Forecaster going to the big screen. Although I am just a small fish in a big pond, I am sure that I am not alone among you many readers. Have you thought about letting the throngs of […]

“The Forecaster” Now Moving to Feature Film

This has really been an amazing tour. The response in Europe has been at blockbuster levels, to the point that they are now going to turn “The Forecaster” into a feature film portrayed by actors. The level of people who now are grasping that there is a huge problem, set in motion by Clinton’s repeal […]