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The Collapse of California – 2022?

See Peter Santenello’s Video on Facebook – Unfortunately This is the REAL California. They are so far to the left, there is no more rule of law. Why should anyone pay for anything? If everyone went to the store and stole $950, they would bring California’s economy to a dead halt. Perhaps this is what […]

Market Talk – February 18, 2021

ASIA: American companies would lose hundreds of billions of dollars if they slashed investment in China or the nation’s increased tariffs, the US Chamber of Commerce said in a report highlighting the cost of a full decoupling of the world’s largest economies. US Chamber of Commerce, along with a New York-based data and analytics firm […]

Vaccines & Corruption

  COMMENT: Sir, My sister is the primary caregiver of our 87 year old mother. She called the other day asking if mom should get the COVID vaccine. I told her no. I asked my sister is she ever bought the first model of a car. She said no. Then don’t have mom get the first […]

NY State Detention Camps for Anything the Governor Declares is a Threat?

QUESTION: Marty, Please would you provide clarity on this Bill. Is this a legitimate Bill passed in NY, are we looking at FEMA camps being used for New York Americans who refuse vaccines or is it going to be worse…it’s all American’s or green card holders? This is moving very fast the masses who don’t […]

Governments are Creating Horror Scenarios for Lockdowns to Retain Power

Magdalena Martullo-Blocher: “The federal government has introduced a dictatorship. He switched off democracy » The entrepreneur Magdalena Martullo-Blocher, a Swiss billionaire, businesswoman, Swiss People’s Party politician, the CEO of Ems-Chemie, and the daughter and an heiress of former Swiss Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher has come out and called for an end to the partial lockdown in Switzerland. The […]

Call to Criminally Prosecute Cuomo for Hiding Death Counts in Nursing Homes

  Cuomo’s staff has admitted that they deliberately understated the deaths in nursing homes to protect Governor Cuomo who ordered that COVID patients should be moved into nursing homes. There are now calls for his prosecution as he is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in New York. He then issued an executive […]

Biden Claims He Can Prevent People from Traveling State to State with Fauci Support

Biden told the press before calling Governor DeSantis of Florida was “irresponsible” for opening up when other states were locked down. Biden objected to Florida opening up last September. “What do you have to have to have these industries back up? You have to have people from New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Minneapolis, you’ve got to […]

Resistance is NOT Futile

  Despite Wikipedia, Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and the rest of the Marxist philosophy press, despite them all promoting the virus to impose an authoritarian socialist regime over the entire world conspiring against democracy and human rights, which include freedom of speech, people are starting to fight back. Many […]

Superbowl & Florida – Thank God!

People have written in to ask how was the Superbowl. In Florida, we are EXTREMELY lucky to have a republican governor DeSantis who has saved the state from the draconian antics of the Democratic States. He allowed us to hold our World Economic Conference and we did not have to wear masks in the room […]

Market Talk – February 8, 2021

ASIA: China’s capital city, Beijing, will hand out about $1.5 million in a limited trial of the central bank’s digital currency, the municipal government announced over the weekend. That marks the third major test of the digital currency under development by the People’s Bank of China. The cities of Shenzhen and Suzhou held similar experiments […]