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Is the Dollar Overvalued or Undervalued?

The latest claim running around is that the dollar is overvalued relevant to its trading partners, and it will decline as the economy recovers due to imports. You really have to wonder if these analysts are just working from home and have lost all sense of the world because they are locked down. In that […]

The Fall of the United Nations

QUESTION: Dear Martin, The UN Charter was formed 26 June 1945 86 years will take it to June 2031. Does the UN Agenda 2030 coincide with a collapse of it’s forced agenda? J ANSWER: According to our models, the United Nations, as we know it, will come to an end by 2031 following the old […]

Market Talk – July 17, 2020

ASIA: China has accused the Trump administration of being “very pathetic” amid reports that Washington is considering a sweeping visa ban on Communist party members. Donald Trump is reportedly reviewing a proposal to refuse entry for all members of China’s ruling party – which encompasses a who’s who of the political and business elite in […]

They are Deliberately Trying to Bankrupt Businesses To Recreate A Marxist World

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Most provinces (including the touristic Balearic islands) have now mandated mask use even if you’re in the woods or park or in a totally deserted street or village – i.e. in all public spaces even if there are no people around at all. (In 40C heat.) 45,000 regime goons (aka cops) are […]

Europe Exploding into Civil Unrest – The Start of Revolutionary Cycle – 2020

Politicians are about to be confronted with the harsh reality of their insane lockdowns in Europe. Germany now realizes there is building massive civil unrest and there is no doubt that this New Green World Order is out to end the car industry which is a major industry the will leave the workers without a […]

Risk Seems to be Everywhere

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Thank you for your commitment to helping others through this unsettling time. Long before I found you, I was fascinated with the capital markets and historical financial crashes, in particular. I spent many years on Wall Street (and LaSalle ST) building and marketing trading systems for the listed options industry. Through the numerous […]

Market Talk – July 8, 2020

ASIA: The US has announced new visa bans on senior Chinese officials involved in restricting access to foreigners to the sensitive region of Tibet and reaffirmed its support for “meaningful autonomy” for Tibetans. In retaliation, China has announced that I will impose visa restrictions on US personnel who exhibit egregious behavior toward Tibet, said Chinese […]

More COMMENTS From Texas

COMMENT: Hi Marty,’ Read the post about Texas and it’s near and dear to my heart because I live in a Dallas suburb. I have followed the Agenda for over a decade as our city has paid dues and participated in the formation of the non-profit NGO’s, one being the NTx COG (Council of governments). […]

Central Banks & the Hidden Agenda to Control Society

We just released this report which includes, as part of the Great Reset, the push to eliminate paper money to move toward a digital currency world where they can track everything we do and allow for drastic increases in taxation. They have been suddenly justifying this by claiming that viruses can live on surfaces. So […]

Guaranteed Basic Income & Marxists

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you!!! for opening our eyes to the scary new world in which we live in. Are there more Socialist/Marxist to other political groups? Our neighbor is a professor at a major university in South Florida with a Doctorate in Nursing. She recently shared with us her strong ideologies and political […]