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Hillary Releases Merchandise Ahead of Endorsement

The Democrats are preparing to switch out the only candidate they have permitted to run. The mainstream media has begun reporting on Biden’s faults in a calculated move to prepare the public for the big switch. The Democrats believe Hillary Clinton is the only one who could beat Donald Trump. She secured the popular vote […]

Lindsey Graham on the Real Reason Behind Ukraine

  What happened to the story that “Putin attacked Ukraine unprovoked, and Ukraine was just defending itself, etc”? Now, suddenly, the problem is the natural resources in Donbas, not Ukraine itself. The first victim in war is always the truth. These people have NEVER told the truth about any war EVER!!!!!! I have stated before […]

USA Watchdog Interview 6-8-24

Biden to be Replaced come August

QUESTION: Has Biden finally caved in to close the border after he opened it up on his first day in office? This seems like admitting he made a mistake which has hurt so many people in this country. UT ANSWER: Yes, this is admitting it was a complete failure. The nut-job liberal base that wanted […]

Supreme Court Bombshell Decisions Due June 13th

The Supreme Court has 28 decisions still remaining, and there are a lot of really important cases that will shape history. The next opinion day will be June 13; this 2023-2024 term ends on June 28th. Buried within these 28 cases is the only one regarding deference to agencies known as the Chevron decision. Many […]

Hunter Biden Jury – Truly His Peers

The rigged judicial system has selected a jury for Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial who are truly a group of his peers. The 54-year-old First Son pleaded not guilty to lying about his crack cocaine abuse when purchasing a firearm. He later had his brother’s ex-wife and former affair partner discard that weapon in public […]

The Economic Decline of Europe With Rising Interest Rates?

I have returned from a two-week tour of Europe covering the UK, Germany, and Italy. Europe is in dire straights. I have stayed on the Via Veneto since my parents took me back in 1964/65. It was the 5th Avenues of Rome. The street was lined with sidewalk cafes. Out of probably 30, only three […]

Land of the Free Home of the Brave – Void when Neocons Prohibit It

  COMMENT: Marty, please post this on the public blog and not the private. Everyone would know that all the major intelligence agencies read you because they all know Socrates has been incredible in its geopolitical forecasting that is unmatched anywhere. After you returned home across the pond, I believe the chatter is that some […]

Ukraine the Expendable Vanguard for World War III

The US dollar continues to soar against the Ukrainian Hryvnia despite all the propaganda desperately trying to pretend Ukraine can win and survive. The entire purpose of the Ukraine proxy war against Russia has been to kill as many Russians as possible to further expand the U.S. and NATO’s conventional superiority over Russia. This has […]

World War III by 1st Week of September 2024?

Macron faces a serious collapse in confidence among the French and he too desperately needs to create war. He is pushing NATO to send in troops. They already have “advisers” there and Russia knows that the Brits are in Ukraine firing the missiles for Ukrainians are not competent. Likewise, Ukraine is incapable of sinking Russian […]