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Our Legal System is Pro-Tyranny

In the Netherlands, a court in The Hague has told the Dutch government that an overnight curfew to reduce the spread of coronavirus should be lifted, ruling that it breaches the right to free movement. There are other courts striking down what many governments have done to the people, society, and the economy. In the […]

60% of Americans Now Want a 3rd Party – Good Bye Republicans & Democrats

Right on time, Our computer has been forecasting the political trends amazingly. I have warned that Socrates targeted 2022 as a Panic Cycle in Politics. The Biden Administration is turning the country upside down claiming climate change must be stopped instantly. Yet the severe cold this winter is also right on time as our models […]

No Scientific Evidence that Masks do Anything! Sweden Banning Masks

What is really amazing is how far we as societies are allowing politicians who have no qualifications in medicine to roll out draconian decrees. These measures are really intent on dividing the people to prevent civil unrest because the socialistic system is collapsing and they needed an excuse to throw all the economic restraints out […]

Was the Entire Capitol Seige a Deliberate False Flag?

  AOC has deliberately lied saying she thought her life was in danger when the building she was in was never under siege. The offices of senators and members of Congress are is separate buildings. Pelosi had an office in the Capitol Building because she is the Speaker of the House. Yet her main office […]

Governments are Creating Horror Scenarios for Lockdowns to Retain Power

Magdalena Martullo-Blocher: “The federal government has introduced a dictatorship. He switched off democracy » The entrepreneur Magdalena Martullo-Blocher, a Swiss billionaire, businesswoman, Swiss People’s Party politician, the CEO of Ems-Chemie, and the daughter and an heiress of former Swiss Federal Councillor Christoph Blocher has come out and called for an end to the partial lockdown in Switzerland. The […]

Senate Acquits Trump as Expected

The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump a second time Saturday after a historic impeachment trial which was totally unconstitutional since Trump was no longer President and the Chief Just refused to preside. Had Trump been impeached, he could have appealed to the Supreme Court, and then he would, at last, be able to present […]

Market Talk – February 11, 2021

ASIA: China’s National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) announced BBC World News has been barred from airing in China saying some BBC’s reports on China infringed the principles of truthfulness and impartiality in journalism. Chinese observers said the BBC has turned into “a rumor mill” that deliberately throws mud at China, and the decision to […]

Just Say No

I have stated that my cousin was a front-line nurse. She caught COVID and got over it. The hospital made her get the vaccine. After the first dose, she had a stroke. Fortunately, she has recovered. She has now refused the second dose. Another friend whose son-in-law works in a hospital was ordered to take […]

The Fraud Behind Greta Thunberg

  Now that Klaus Schwab has put the Climate as part of his Agenda 2030, his inclusion of Greta Thunberg in the film that was supposed to celebrate his 50th Anniversary, The Forum, was the debut of his sinister plan for creating the Great Reset. For the climate urgency, he handed Greta center stage.   […]

The Devastation of Lockdowns – Freedom is now a Luxury

When we look at 2020, it will be a year most prefer to forget. Overall, productivity decreased 4.8% in Q4 2020 while unit labor costs increase sharply by 6.8% (annual rates) which is fulfilling what Socrates has been forecasting that this wave into 2024 will be inflationary. The December 2020 jobless rate was up over […]