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Shmita cycle & Big Bang

QUESTION: Thank you for the research and insightful posts you share with us each and every day. Question: Since you are keen of market cycles, I wanted to get your take on the 7-year Shmita cycle and the 49-year Jubilee cycle that arises from the 7-year Shmita cycle. As you know, Shmita means ‘shaking’ or […]

Looks Like Some Planets also Conform to Pi

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Its not just the Sun, some planets also seem to line up with the Pi Frequency. The most interesting is Venus which completes 7 orbits in one 4.3 year cycle. Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Period, d 224 365.25 687.00 4332.00 Period, y 0.61 1.00 1.88 11.86 Orbits 7 4.3 16 4 Pi […]

Blood Moon September 28th, 2015

  We have received a lot of emails about the Blood Moon and how the last of the lunar tetrad lines up with the major turning point on the Economic Confidence Model this year – 2015.75. Lunar eclipses usually do not occur in any specific order. However, every once in a while, four total lunar eclipses happen […]

The ECM and the Interaction of a Complex Wave Structure

  For the new readers is trying to grasp the significance of six waves, the entire structure of the universe is based upon cycles for this is how energy moves. This applies to absolutely everything without exception.   If you stand at the corner of a busy street and close your eyes, listen to the […]

Socrates Demonstration

COMMENT: Marty, the demonstration of Socrates at the conference was mouthwatering. With everyone in less than 6 months claiming to have artificial intelligence is really laughable. I understand the tremendous amount of work you have done is just the front end process. Your system is way beyond artificial intelligence. That is why so many people […]

What About the Unfunded Liabilities?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Saw ‘The Forecaster’ in London, only sorry it was not showing for longer as many friends would have liked the opportunity to see it, it was an excellent documentary. Very much enjoyed watching the ‘Solutions Conference’. How do you see debt for equity operating in the UK alongside the abandonment of the Central […]


QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong:   I hope you are doing well and congratulations for your successful work, research and forecasts!. I don´t understand, Why TIME is more important than PRICE?. For example, Why the PRICE of gold is not important?. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Sincerely,   J.E.M.V. ANSWER: […]

Evolutionary Process of Labor

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your evolutionary process of labor from agriculture to skilled labor fascinating. This is indeed why unions destroy jobs rather than preserve them. They fight against the evolutionary process of labor that follows technology. So clearly skilled labor is moving constantly. What field would you recommend for one’s children? Thank you […]

Time to Get the Debate Moving

QUESTION: Marty; I am anxious to listen to your Solution’s Conference. This is amazing it will be seen worldwide live. I know few firms that can do a live stream like that. We looked into that technology ourselves. So I just wanted to ask one question regarding political reform. I can see that there are […]

Are we Headed Back to an Ice Age?

  One of the most shocking things I bumped into in the middle of the night was when I input the data on the energy output of the sun and then correlated that into our data base back to 6000BC. Low and behold, the 300 year cycle matched up with the rise and fall of […]