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Einstein – Relativity – Markets

QUESTION: Marty; I watched the National Geographic special called Genius on the life of Einstein. I could not help but see the parallel with you from fighting the establishment, going head to head with the academics, and how the FBI tried to trump up charges against him to send him to prison. He also said the […]

Changing Cycle Frequencies Produces Different Effects

QUESTION: Marty, I’m glad that you’ve showed a couple of examples in the past few articles, as per how you apply ECM and volatility cycle waves to events. Yet, can you please explain the methodology and criteria which you use in deciding how to apply them? What is the criteria with which you choose the starting […]

Kim Jong-un The Kid Whose Father Never Spanked – Why 2017 Is The Crisis Year For Korea

QUESTION: Kim Jong-un is clearly a mad-kid, not even a man. You have said the danger with him is he thinks he could actually win against the United States and South Korea. Now Trump want’s South Korea to pay $1 billion for a missile defense system. That does not seem to be a lot of money these […]

Does Schäuble want Draghi to Exit the Stage Once & For All?

Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble of Germany is starting to show signs of rebellion against the elite in Brussels. With the event of BREXIT, the EU is more concerned about trying to punish Britain than they are in reflecting upon what is going so terribly wrong. They will throw their support behind Macron in […]

London Property Sales Crashed 40% Thanks to Tax Increase

Where I use to live back in 1985 The London housing market sales has crashed to its lowest level now since 2013. We reported in November 2015 with the turn in the ECM on 2015.75 that the London property market peaked. Valued crashed by 11.5% in the first month after the turn of the ECM. Landlords […]

If US Election Were Held today – Trump Would Get More Votes Polls Show

The latest polls show that most people who voted for Trump are satisfied. When the same questions have been asking about Hillary, the opposite response appears. The polls are actually showing that Trump would win a greater margin today than last year. This is interesting for it is confirming the collapse in government with Big […]

Armstrong On Why Cycles Exist

QUESTION: I was listening to a podcast on Bloomberg interviewing Peter Borsch who I remember you know for the two of you were together on a cycle research board and he worked for Paul Tudor Jones who handed me a copy of the Greatest Bull Market you wrote back in 1986. That was my introduction […]

Freedom Caucus & Big Bang

I have been warning that we are headed directly into the collapse of socialism; not capitalism, simply because politicians have been bribing people’s votes with all sorts of promises they never planned on providing. Social Security may have began as a good idea, but then the money was really just a tax and the fund […]

ECB under Pressure to Reverse Direction

The European Central Bank (ECB) is coming under fresh pressure to increase interest rates, not merely from the standpoint that the Federal Reserve has been doing since the turn in our Economic Confidence Model 2015.75, when the first-rate hike took place in December 2015. While there was little immediate reaction to the Fed’s decision to […]

Why Science Fails to Understand Cycles – They Lack the Connections

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Interesting attempt at the cycle analysis for a MAJOR earthquake. Why do you think they make these predictions, when they don’t properly understand the cycles? PF Last week, research based on a more complete earthquake record revised the return period of a quake to 291 years. The last was in 1717, exactly 300 […]