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Gold – The Week of 8-19

Gold is still poised to press a touch higher. Monday and Tuesday were daily directional changes and we achieved a high on Monday with a test of support yesterday. The next directional change is targeted for Friday where we may see the high for the week. Technical resistance by Friday stands at 1432.55. The Daily […]

India Bans the Sale of Gold Without License

Just one day after India increased the taxation on gold to 10%, the Reserve Bank banned the sale of gold coins, medallions and dores without a licence from the foreign trade office. The Reserve Bank is out to end the capital outflow from India that is going into gold. We are seeing an increased trend toward this in […]

Gold Outlook

The diehard bulls are already proclaiming the low is in place so buy – buy – buy. Gold should press higher into next week, but the Weekly Bullish Reversal stands at 1423 and the year-end resistance will be 1435. The big turning point is still next January. So we are about $100 below major resistance. […]

Aluminum Manipulation Leads to Lawsuits Against Goldman etc – The Days of Proprietary Trading Are

There are many lawsuits being filed against the New York Bankers for manipulating the commodities. Suits have been filed in Florida, Chicago, and New York. It is no secret that I have stood up to these people an opposed their manipulations. But this has been the name of the name in the commodity field for […]

Pakistan Bans Gold Imports

Pakistan has banned the import of gold and India might now follow since its import tax has lead to a massive rise in gold-smuggling. Making it illegal gives the governments the right to confiscate the metal. The governments of India and Pakistan have imposed punitive taxes and restrictions but outright bans on gold against the consumption by […]

Confiscation of Gold – Possible or Not?

QUESTION: Do you think gold would be confiscated by government as was the case by Roosevelt? ANSWER: Absolutely. It is a question that we must confront. As long as they think money is tangible and they seek to satisfy the bankers by servicing the debt, then they will do whatever it takes to retain power. […]

Gold & The June Low

The first window we warned where a low in gold could form was June in the mid 1100 level. We reached that minimum target objective despite all the yelling and screaming about fiat, manipulations, and other nonsense. We are still not out of the woods on gold yet and the primary resistance zone going into […]

India Shuts Down Gold Imports

Indian banks are now required to set aside 20% of all imported gold for export purposes. Gold is now to be held in bonded warehouses and banks may only import additional gold after they have exported at least 75% of those reserves. We reported previously that the current account deficit in India has been driven by the […]

Goldman Sachs – Trading v Banking

Goldman Sachs Group Inc reported its quarterly profits doubled, however, this was predicated upon trading profits and a lower tax rate by keeping its profits offshore. This is precisely the problem as investors are now beginning to understand that trading factors are no guarantee with respect to future success. The “bank’s” shares declined on Tuesday despite […]

Most now target Gold in the 1050 range – You Are Your Biggest Adversary

Most of the forecasts now target gold in the 1050 range. This generally means that we could overshoot and crack $1,000 shifting the sentiment decisively negative. This will be POSITIVE long term for just as the talking heads disbelieved the rise in the Dow even as it made new highs laughing how this time they […]