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Electoral College Challenges are Routine

QUESTION: How can you support Trump when he tried to overturn electoral college votes? That’s illegal and tyrannical. WG ANSWER: You are speaking out of your hatred for Trump. You should have looked at the issues rather than the people. This is not about Trump and you have just been manipulated into hating Trump so […]

Open Your Eyes – Corruption Surrounds You

COMMENT: So now something that has been on the books for 95 years is suddenly a problem and UNCONSTITUTIONAL? So now it`s unfair to 1 man who in 4 years his only major accomplishment was to pass a tax break that the bulk of the tax break only benefited the top 1% ? In which […]

Has New York Signed its Own Destruction?

New York politicians have destroyed their economy and now are looking at raising the taxes on the rich even more. Carl Icahn moves hedge fund from NYC to Miami. Even Goldman Sachs is looking at sending its most profitable division to Florida. This is how the cities have self-destructed. They think that businesses and “rich” individuals […]

A World in a State of Total Confusion

While 17 states have joined Texas in their lawsuit against Pennsylvania for a fraudulent election, YouTube/Google and the new BigTech conspiracy against the people vow to delete any content claiming the election was tarnished in any way pronouncing Biden is the president-elect which is totally illegal for only the Electoral College can make that determination […]

Edward Snowden on Hacking the Election

I get some emails from Democrats arguing there is no proof of the machines switching votes. As Edward Snowden posted, this is a video from 2019 that sounded the alarm. I was the keynote speaker at the Hacker Convention in Miami back in 2016. I dare say everyone in attendance was capable of hacking these […]

Why is Washington Post & New York Times Always Anti-American?

The real problem with socialism/communism is a simple refusal to understand the business cycle. Indeed, communism collapsed for the very same reasons they seem to hate capitalism. The comment published in the Washington Post actually admits that there were busts long before capitalism. “There were calamities and injustices long before capital, and I’ll venture to […]

The Decline & Fall of the West

COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, We need more pics like Winnipeg Costco out in the news: They might wake up the sleeping herd! I’m writing from Toronto where we are in a lockdown since 12:01 today for the next 28 days… and probably more! Our Premier, Doug Ford, clearly mention in his Friday announcement that Big […]

Suburban Wacko, Gun-Toting Zealots v Urban Intelectual Leftists?

QUESTION: Marty, Have you ever done a study that explains why so many people who live in large urban areas are so inclined to vote democratic or for liberal policies which appear to attack people who live outside these areas? It seems no one has ever tried to reconcile these fractures….instead, the media and the left portray […]

Market Talk – November 23, 2020

ASIA: Zheng Yongnian, the Dean of the Advanced Institute of Global and Contemporary China Studies, a Shenzhen-based think tank, has said that the Chinese government should utilize every opportunity to mend ties with the US, South China Morning Post has reported. Mr Zheng, who attended a symposium hosted by President Xi Jinping in August to offer […]

Why America Faces a Civil War – There is no Alternative

This election is unlike anything ever before. The Democrats lied to the people promising they will create jobs without mentioning that they are in league with the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset as is Canada for Agenda 2030 which has to first destroy as many jobs as possible. What the Democrats are doing […]