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Europe Snubs Britain

It is increasingly becoming clear that the message to Britain is either join the euro or get out. Cameron took a stand that the EU had to reform after the rising tide in elections are clearly against the federalization of Europe that was witnessed in the UK and France. The agenda is to federalize Europe […]

Euro Under Pressure

The Euro is caving in after the elections. Those in the money know this is doomed. This will help to give a bid temporarily to gold and the dollar. For as people have been pitching that the dollar will decline and gold will rise is purely a domestic view point. The international view point is […]

European Poverty Reached 123 million – 16%

The Sovereign Debt Crisis that began to show its head in Europe is demonstrating that socialism just does not work. The whole idea of a central managed state and highly regulated pro-worker policy has reduced job growth and exploited labor to such an extent with taxes that the euro countries can no longer fulfill their […]

European Tradition of Cancelling the Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have never heard of cancelling a currency and replacing it where the old notes are worthless. This is routine in Europe? Thanks ANSWER: Yes. The old 50 pound notes in Britain are cancelled as of April 30th. Then in 2016, Britain will cancel all its currency again coming out with plastic […]

French Economy Slips Below Even Greece – Last Place in Europe Productivity

If anything proves that this idea of Socialism/Communism goes against human nature, all we have to do is look closely at France. The idea of Communism actually emerged during the French Revolution. It was an experiment known as the Parisian Commune of 1793. It was the next step in Republicanism where people came together and voted […]

Europe will go to Negative Interest Rates

Rates have been moving lower for it is now widely known behind the curtain that the ECB WILL take rates NEGATIVE in their dire efforts to stimulate this dead corps. Central Bankers cannot comprehend that between FACTA preventing world trade, rising taxes, and NSA really creating reverse protectionism, there is not much on the horizon […]

EU Wants to seize money from All European Banks on a Flat Rate Basis

The European Banking Crisis is beyond description. A leak has come out that the Commission will simply seize money from all the banks on a flat rate basis benefiting the banks that have lost money from trading at the expense of the small savings banks. Wolfgang Schäuble (born 1942) is Germany’s Federal Minister of Finance. He […]

Fascism Emerging in Europe in the Aftermath of the Elections

While the Pro-Russian Eastern Ukrainians destroyed polling units to prevent people from voting against separation showing their desire for dictatorship and fascism, Western Europe is not much better  The German politician, currently serving as Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy and Vice Chancellor of Germany. Since 2009 he has been chairman of the Social Democratic […]

France Has Largest Swing in All of Europe Against the EU Commission and its Socialist Agenda

Marine Le Pen and France’s National Front political party is poised to take the biggest swing toward anti-Europe ahead of even Britain. Le Pen declared victory in European Union elections as voters backed populist, far-Right and Left-wing parties in a backlash against immigration and the euro’s economic policies. The European elections for 2014 show that EU citizens […]

Debt Crisis Poking its Head Up Again in Europe

We have seen a 4 month rally in euro-region debt with yields on Italian and Spanish bonds seeing their biggest one-day jump in almost a year last week. The sell-off in European sovereign debt began in Greece and has spread following the same lines of contagion that emerged 2010-2011. Bids have simply evaporated and prices […]