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The Nationalization of Banks?

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Bank of Rothschild, is commonly misquoted to have said: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws”. That is very nice and quaint, but times have changed. In those days money was coin. What the Rothschilds really controlled was not so much money, […]

Who Really Has the Power Today?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: I hope you are doing well and congratulations for your successful European tour. Based on your experience, Do you believe that all the wealth of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, is hidden in trusts around the world to avoid paying taxes or was lost through the 20th century?. I look forward […]

How to Read the Forecast Array

The top line is the composite of all 72 models. You can see clearly that there is a choppy but declining trend into May 2015. From May onward, there would be a shift in trend. This is what the top line was showing. The top line is always the most important for it is the sum […]

Abolishing Cash – New Age of Economic Totalitarianism

Europe is moving full speed ahead to eliminate all cash. Instead of reforming and tackling the economic problems, government always seeks to maintain the same course of thinking that now leads us to the totalitarian approach coming from Brussels. To maintain the euro, they must maintain the banks. However, the bank reserves are debts of […]

Germany Goes Nuts: Coincidence, Luck, Influence or Something Else?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I realize you do not believe you are influential. However, you began your European tour on April 28th and ever since the bond markets have declined and you said buy gold coins in Stuttgart and Germans are frantically buying gold all of a sudden and the economy has not yet collapsed. This […]

The Collapse of Socialism – It’s Our Turn up to Bat

The entire idea of Marxism is coming to a real crash and burn. China and Russia experienced that collapse in 1989.95 with the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. The events began with the crackdown that initiated on June 3-4, 1989, which became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre.  The fall of communism began when military troops with […]

Poland – Zloty

Poland is legally obliged to switch its currency to the euro under the terms of its 2004 EU entry. Nonetheless, Poland has continually demurred amid the Eurozone’s financial woes and voter opposition to exterminating the zloty, its national currency. Killing the zloty will only bring massive inflation to Poland and serious harm to its economy. Poland’s […]

Amsterdam to Show the Film Again Tomorrow

The reaction in Europe to the film has been overwhelming, for audiences are more aware that we are facing a serious economic problem. In America, they are trying to suppress the film, obviously to protect the banks and justice system. Outside the USA, reality is setting in and the USA only appears to be more […]

So What Can We Do?

This Sovereign Debt Crisis is the nature of the beast we face. Understanding that crisis is half the battle, for after the business cycle turns, there will be a lot of finger pointing, but you can bet it will never be pointing at government. The country does not matter, as the people are the same. […]

The Coming Crash of All Crashes – but in Debt

Why are governments rushing to eliminate cash? During previous recoveries following the recessionary declines from the peaks in the Economic Confidence Model, the central banks were able to build up their credibility and ammunition, so to speak, by raising interest rates during the recovery. This time, ever since we began moving toward Transactional Banking with the […]