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How Socialism Destroyed the Family Structure

The very core tenet of Marxism and its two versions called socialism and communism is to actually replace the family structure. In Russian communism, Stalin was paranoid about any possible resistance. Children were taught that the state was their parent instead of their biological parents, and if those creatures spoke anything against the state then […]

Are Central Bankers Coming to a Bitter End?

Central bankers these days are seriously trapped. They cannot now reverse their policies for that means they have to admit that they have failed. This is why the Yellen is not so eager to move to negative rates and has continued to take the view that rates must be normalized (raised). That is far more […]

Drones Deliver First Pizza for Domino’s

The fast food chain Domino’s has delivered the first deliveries of the world a pizza by drone. The test flight took place in New Zealand on Thursday. Later this year Domino’s will launch a field trial in New Zealand. Europe will be a problem for Domino’s Pizza to deliver from the air. The obstacles regulating the air […]

Market Talk – August 26th, 2016

Ahead of Jackson Hole a mixed response in Asia with a choppy day for the Nikkei. Initially, the Nikkei saw a sell-off then an attempted rally just after lunch but that was to fizzle-out eventually closing down 1.1%. The JPY remained in a tight range and continues to play with the par level. There remains a […]

Market Talk – August 25, 2016

Neither the Nikkei nor Hang Seng could decide on a direction today as both flip-flopped between positive and negative territory. Only Shanghai was to remain lower for the whole day closing well above the days lows but still 0.5% weaker. Yesterday we heard that the PBOC added (through 14 day reverse repo’s) cash into the […]

Cycle of War & Climate Change – A Lethal Combination

Historically, crops fail during periods when the weather turns sharply colder. Rising food shortages coincide with rising aggression. This seems to be a link back into ancient times. The way the climate is now turning colder is in direct harmony with the war cycle. Switzerland began recording temperatures in 1864, which provide a good European […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2016

A strong opening for the Nikkei, almost 1% but only to turn ahead of the lunch break. Although price action was whippy the volume traded was very poor. The afternoon session was a retracement of earlier losses but again in light volume. We closed the day up +0.6% but all eyes and ears will be […]

Do I think Hillary Will Win? Buckle Your Seats – This Will be Worse than You Thought

  When it came to BREXIT, the computer correctly forecast that the leave side would win and there would be a big turnout. I personally stated that I “believed” they would rig the election as they had done with every other European election from Austria and Scotland all the way to Italy and Spain. I […]

Germany to begin Conscription Once Again

Germany is to reestablish conscription into the military, which had been suspended on July 1, 2011 after 55 years. The Merkel government now sees a major security risk and is shifting its policy by justifying conscription once again. The duty to serve may be arguably due to tension with Russia, but it is really domestic […]

Market Talk – August 22nd, 2016

The Nikkei (cash market) had a lot to recover having just returned but recover it did. The early bounce was pulled back then the Friday afternoon recovery took over and we closed just off the days highs (+1.2%). China’s Industrial Output was expected at 6.1% but came in a little short at 6% which did […]