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Iran, War, & Lies

Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has come out and told the world that two American officials threatened military action against Iran if there was no resolution to the nuclear deal talks. He states that Iran will not succumb to U.S. threats and he will not press forward with negotiations with Western powers under the shadow of […]

Miracle Advancements in Science: Can Aging Be Reversed?

There have been amazing discoveries in the area of health. The cause of an accelerated aging disease, known as Werner syndrome, which causes patients to show early signs of aging in very early adulthood, has finally been revealed. These patients are actually deficient in a gene responsible for copying DNA. Aging takes place as cells are replaced, but the […]

The Strange Case for Gold

QUESTION: Hey Martin, Years ago, I thought I was so smart.  Silver was 5 and gold was 300.  I was pretty young and did not have a lot of money. I purchased 30k worth of silver coins and some gold coins.  My thought process was that silver, most likely is not worth 0. As both […]

France Restricts the Movement of Gold, Cash, & Crypto-Currencies

  France is the most socialist country in Europe; it always attacks anyone with money. France’s latest war on money is broadening to create a virtual lockdown on all assets. France is strengthening the control of cash payments drastically. Additionally, gold sales and movement of any tangible goods is to be reported. The French Finance Minister Michel […]

A Push for Change in the Right Direction

“The Forecaster” sold out at every venue it has been shown. When I have attended, we have held Q&A sessions that often go on for more than an hour. It has been making national TV news in Germany and now journalists are lining up all across Europe. All of this is not because of me […]

The 2015 World Economic Conference in Berlin

The European system for conferences is much different from those in the United States. They expect a firm headcount well in advance – no last minute bookings. We strongly urge those intending to sign up for the European WEC to do so ASAP. This conference will be about what we need to do to survive […]

Australia First to Introduce a Compulsory Tax on Money Itself

The reason I moved the Solution Conference forward was due to the fact that all my sources behind the curtain were screaming from the four corners of the world that the new age of Economic Totalitarianism is upon us all. Australia will be the first to introduce a compulsory tax on savings. This is the ultimate Marxist state, for […]

The New Age of Economic Totalitarianism & the London Meeting to End Currency

I have been warning that the governments of the West are in severe trouble. We face the worst economic crisis, perhaps in modern history, with the distinct risk of moving into a state of Economic Totalitarianism. The governments are well aware of the Economic Confidence Model (ECM). Many people have questioned, “Why have they not killed you?” […]

Beware of Government Bonds

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Thank you for all you do, you are really great! Looking for the exact day of default for Greece in Wikipedia I stepped into a monumental article where I could not find any reference to a default, but only an endless epic of efforts to avoid default. “On 21 February 2012 the Euro […]

Scandals, Scandals, & More Scandals

One of the strangest aspects of politics is the so-called socialists who argue they are for the people, but tend to be the most dangerous in society. In ancient Athens, Sparta was able to finally conquer Athens because she became extremely arrogant and made unreasonable demands upon her allies. One by one, her allies turned […]