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Market Talk — June 22, 2016

A mixed session in Asia as the Nikkei could not escape negative territory, whilst Shanghai and the Hang Seng both provided positive returns. The Nikkei lost 0.65% while Shanghai and HSI gained 0.95% and 0.6% respectively. The JPY flirted with a 105 handle but was rejected and that rejection has gathered pace as European equities […]

Comment From France – Pending Rise in French Political Chaos

COMMENT: Hello Mr Armstrong, Well, now it’s official : the french government has banned a massive trade unions demonstration that was supposed to take place tomorrow in Paris. So a socialist government did what has never taking place since 1962, during the Algerian War. It is very significant because it’s a left leaning government that […]

BREXIT – Unexpected Consequences

The BREXIT vote is the result of a promise by British Prime Minister David Cameron made back in 2013 when he was besieged by the increasingly assertive anti-European Union wing of his own Conservative Party. To placate the rebellion brewing against the loss of sovereignty to Brussels, Cameron made a promise that he intended only […]

China’s Reserves & the Flight of Money

All we have been hearing are claims that if China sends the dollar flooding back to America, the dollar will become worthless and hundreds of businesses will go broke overnight. The gold promoters put out such wild claims and have no idea what they are saying or the type of world that would unfold. It is […]

Market Talk June 20th, 2016

The weekend BREXIT poll shaped markets as soon as Asia opened today. The GBP bounced 1% from the open while global equity markets followed with DAX, CAC, Nikkei, Shanghai all over 2% better than the Friday close. Treasuries and Gold saw profit-taking as we saw a 1% decline from the opening bell. Japan did release Im/Export […]

It Snowed in Hawaii?

Europe is experiencing a very cold summer. Meanwhile, believe it or not, there was a dusting of snow reported at Mauna Kea in Hawaii, according to the National Weather Service, on June 14. We are heading into, not global warming, but a natural cycle of climate change that comes about every 300 years or so. […]

Battle of the Thames Singer tries to Invade Economics

The Battle of the Thames developed with Bob Geldof , the Irish singer and political activist, decided to attack Nigel Farage to support surrendering British sovereignty to Brussels. It turned out to be a real joke. Rich musicians always pretend to be for the poor but do not hand them all their wealth. As long as they […]

Market Talk June 17th, 2016

A little light relief for markets ahead of the weekend with core Asian equities clawing back some of momentum lost earlier in the week. The Nikkei did manage a 1% bounce whilst the Shanghai and HSI closed 0.5% higher. Much had been expected of this week given all the Central Bank activity but we head […]

Tariffs – Labor – Consumer

QUESTION: If Donald trump issues a tariff on countries like china will that cause the price of goods from china to go up in price?? Also is he correct by saying it will bring jobs back to the united states by doing this? Would overall implementing a tariff be a good thing or is it a […]

Market Talk June 16, 2016

Many blamed the BOJ for today’s Nikkei decline, for not announcing additional stimulus measurers, but for whatever reason we found ourselves 3% lower on the day. We have recovered much of this in late US trading but admittedly – it did not look pretty for the cash market. The flight to quality led as usual […]