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Paris Under Water but Not as Bad as 1910

COMMENT: Here in France, they are blaming this flood on global warming. It seems that anything to do with weather they point to global warming and want more regulation. REPLY: France’s rainfall levels in May were the highest since 1873, but the 1910 flood was the most devastating. In 1910, before automobiles, Paris flooded and remained so […]

Market Talk – June 2, 2016

The Nikkei (cash) really hit the tiles today (-2.3%) having received confirmation of the delay to the Sales Tax and its two year reschedule. The JPY saw the flight to quality resulting in a 1% rally to hit a 108.50 high. 10yr JGB’s traded from -10bp to -11.5bp. As stated yesterday it will not be […]

Dalai Lama Warns Germany is Accepting “Too Many” Refugees

The Dalai Lama is warning that Germany cannot become an Arab country. The Dalai Lama apparently said that “too many” refugees are seeking asylum in Europe. The pretend refugee crisis is really an economic migration, bordering on an invasion, which is not unlike the Mongol invasion under Attila the Hun (reigned 434-453 AD) some five intervals before […]

Market Talk for June 1st, 2016

As rumored, Japan’s PM Mr. Abe announced today that the Sales Tax increase is to be delayed for the second time. This will very likely have an impact on Ratings Agencies who will be waiting more details in regards to any change on fiscal impacts and their possible reaction. As a result the JPY moved […]

Refugees Crossing Channel to Britain

Now we are beginning to see refugees taking off for England. Some are swimming across the channel while others are trying to make it in dinghies. Five others have been rescued sailing from France to Britain. If Britain stays in the EU, they will be fined 250,000 euros for rejecting each refugee. The channel is becoming […]

BREXIT Should Produce Record Turnout

According to our sources in Britain, it appears that the BREXIT camp should actually win if they allow a fair referendum, which is highly debatable. The Guardian has conducted a poll that, astonishingly, does not seem to be directed by the government. Their latest poll, unlike the Telegraph, puts the BREXIT camp at a slight […]

Market Talk for May 30th, 2016

Asian market were mixed on a very quiet start to what could be a busy week. As the USD extended its recent gains against the JPY resulting in the Nikkei rebounding, closing up 1.4%. Shanghai and HSI also closed better but only with marginal moves. Japanese government announced over the weekend that any rise in […]

Cameron getting Mainstream Media to Brainwash People

There are serious concerns arising in Britain how the mainstream media is on board on betraying the people at the request of the government. The press has been given the word  to convince the people to surrender all their rights in Britain to save the bureaucrats in Brussels. The Telegraph newspaper has been using a different polling […]

Market talk May 26th, 2016

A choppy session in Asia saw the Nikkei open strong but close almost unchanged while HSI and Shanghai spent the majority of the day negative only to close small positive. Focus remains on oil, currency as the JPY remains around the 110 handle, continued disappointing data and todays G7 meeting. China set the mid-point at […]

Will Britain Stay or Go?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what do you think the British will do? Stay or go? Will you be here for the vote? ANSWER: I will be there. It looks more like urgent meetings forming after the vote; not before. I would say that the odds of a BREXIT vote to leave are not looking good. It […]