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The Solution DVD

  It will take 4 to 6 weeks, but we will produce the full version for those who attended and a 90 minute condensed version that will be available soon on Amazon for $29.95. Those who want to view the full version online may do so. I have been asked to do one tailored to […]

Trying to Manipulate Reviews – NY Boys are Amazing

COMMENT: Hi there – I saw the movie last night having booked my ticket well in advance. When I got there there were several people enquiring about tickets but the Box office lady told them it was already sold out. They were shocked. All age groups at the viewing as well. Everyone knows the charges against […]

NSA Proves it Cannot Protect Even Itself no less the Country

  The NSA incident proves that they are bullshitting everyone for since they grab every text, email, and phone call, why did they not know they were going to be attacked? They claim they could have prevented 911. Nice claim. It is all nonsense. They are tracking us for money. They are making a film […]

London Has been Sold Out

COMMENT: Martin Just been to see The Forecaster in London, it was a full house. F**king fantastic film! The audience were captivated. Thanks for sharing your story. It was an amazing story, this film needs to be seen by the masses. It strengthened my belief that bankers own government. Thank you, I wish you and […]

From Greece

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Your solution is unbelievable. Greece’s debt is selling at a huge discount from face just like Mexico in 1986. If we follow your model, this would reverse everything. I agree opening this up for all holders of debt rather than exclusively domestic as they did in Eastern Europe would entice major new […]

Breakdown of Debt

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, I have been eagerly awaiting your Solution and am trying to wrap my head around it. Can you explain more about the debt to equity swaps? What exactly would the debt be swapped for? PS: In your latest blog, you mentioned repealing the “13th” amendment. That gave me quite a shock until […]

What Level of Debt

QUESTION: Martin Do you mean only on a federal level? Would people’s home mortgage be wiped away? I would think not but if it’s a true reset who knows Regards, JCL ANSWER: The ONLY debt is Federal, not private and not state or muni. They will trade as is on the market. This will end […]

We cannot Escape the Past Until We See The Future

COMMENT: I watched the Solution Conference and your explanation of two monetary systems being barter and representative was insightful. I can see why the goldbugs hate you and how they are trapped in yesterday’s world of a barter economy. You have a lot of work ahead of you for this is truly revolutionary. You have […]

Debt-Equity Swaps

Debt-equity swaps were used in the former Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe. This was the chief method of making the transition from communism to capitalism. Poland implemented an extensive privatization program back in 1990 and had privatized half of all state-owned enterprises by the end of 1994. Indeed, debt-equity swaps were introduced into the Polish process […]

Solution Conference

  I would like to thank everyone for participating. This event may have been the largest financial conference in history with more than 5,000 attending from 47 countries. If everyone watched bringing just one friend, then we probably exceeded 10,000. The whole purpose of this event was to start the ball rolling with a discussion […]