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Hoards Are Vital to our Understanding of History

QUESTION: Why do you buy hoards? It is interesting. Just curious. JY ANSWER: The coinage is the ONLY way to truly confirm the history. Much of the most important periods like the 3rd century AD, the fall of the Republic, or the Revolution during the Debt Crisis of the 1st century BC known as the […]

NATO the Greatest Threat to Civilization

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I wonder if the downside of the US occupation of Europe since WW2 and US subsidization of military aid has produced a culture of pacifism. Germany’s reluctance to supply tanks to Ukraine suggests other motives. The media focuses more on Russia and internal dissent against Putin. One reads about defections and men trying […]

The Coming Great Global Default

QUESTION: Dear Martin Could you please describe more in detail what you are expecting when talking about the breakdown of the monetary system? Will there be differences between countries like Germany and Switzerland for example? Especially regarding pension systems. I assume, there might be big differences between countries. Many thanks and best regards, R. ANSWER: […]

The Fallacy of the Petrodollar

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Great post on oil and gold. I never owned gold until about 20 years ago. I read about the gold bull of the 70’s and tales of gold mining stocks outperforming in the Great Depression decade. But I never bought into the hype until I started listening to these promoters later. It was […]

J.P. Morgan was an Ancient Coin Collector

QUESTION: Is it true that J.P. Morgan was also an ancient coin collector? DV ANSWER: Absolutely. He collected both Greek and Roman coins. This was a Syracuse Dekadrachm of Dionysios I (405-367BC). The difference between the Greeks and the Romans is quite plain. The Greeks were into art. As you can see, their coinage was […]

Didn’t Ukraine Become Sovereign in 1918?

QUESTION: I thought Ukraine claimed it was independent in 1918. Was that not then a country? PH ANSWER:  In the aftermath of World War I which began in 1914, that is when the Russian Revolution took place. That is when Ukraine first tried to assert its independence on January 26th, 1918. The Bolsheviks who seized […]

Snowden on the Real Biden Scandal

Snowden has pointed out the real scandal is that the DOJ’s role in suppressing the information released about the Biden documents which predate the November elections. He points out that you can be sentenced to 5 years in prison per document. Of course, you will remember California Democratic Senator Diane Finestein wanted to have Snowden […]

Is the Fed a Den of Thieves? Or Independent?

COMMENT: The Fed….why would anyone put a greedy fox in charge of the hen house. Mr. Armstrong, you, of all people have more than a passing acquaintance with the corruption of the big banks. And these are the kindly gentlemen that have been appointed to “guide” monetary policy for our greater good. Simply don’t understand […]

Hoards in History

QUESTION: I find it fascinating how you bring much more detail to life in your work. I have read your latest book Plot to Seize Russia. I knew many of those events took place but never the background. What an excellent job. You have to get this out in paperback for the world to see. […]

The Fed & the Misinformation

QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your Berlin conference when one of the attendees openly admitted he was from the Bundesbank. He was very open about it. There have been other central bankers at your WEC. I suppose they have to attend just to get a whiff of the trend. Powell has come out and […]