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The Devastation of Lockdowns – Freedom is now a Luxury

When we look at 2020, it will be a year most prefer to forget. Overall, productivity decreased 4.8% in Q4 2020 while unit labor costs increase sharply by 6.8% (annual rates) which is fulfilling what Socrates has been forecasting that this wave into 2024 will be inflationary. The December 2020 jobless rate was up over […]

Biden & His Promises

  Biden’s promises to end capital gains would be devastating to investment. Adding Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax, which California is pushing, would probably kill it altogether. They could tax everyone who had Gamestop based on the high even if they never sold. His claims are never really addressed by the mainstream press. His claims that […]

Federal Reserve & Conspiracy Theories

COMMENT: Hi AE….just an observation for you. Altho’ you have mentioned your disagreement with the points of view of such people as Ed Griffin (The Creature From J Island), Ron Paul (End The Fed), & Jeff Berwick (current best seller is Controlled Demo of The US), all of you are in agreement about the total […]

Why is Boris Johnson Destroying Britain?

It is not well known or perhaps deliberately not noticed by the left pushing for this Great Reset, but Boris Johnson is very much his father — Stanley Johnson. Many will find this shocking, but there is a lot more to the admiration Boris Johnson has for Bill Gates. Boris is fully on board with […]

Curiosity v Manipulation

COMMENT: Message: Re Reddit “WallStreetBets” Hi Marty, Thanks for this blog post but I think they are not trying to make money out of short squeezing GME really, they are trying to make a point. If you follow some of the posts you see many stories about how badly people and their families were hurt […]

Have Twitter & Facebook Crossed the Line?

Both Twitter and Facebook really should be shut down for what they have done is cleverly transforming themselves from a “platform” into a media organization. All the media from New York Times to ABC News and CNN can be sued for putting out false information that damages a person. Under Section 230, an internet platform […]

Reddit Crowd Boasting too Much?

A number of people have commented that somehow the people on Reddit are taking our forecasts and touting them when to buy as in silver now. It appears that way for  I have been warning for months that the gold/silver ratio will collapse and that silver would gain over gold. The danger that whoever is […]


COMMENT #1: Nobody is suggesting that we should “destroy all capital”. Right wing nonsense. We all know that communism is unsustainable due to its inherent lack of economic motivation for anyone to be productive or creative. Similarly, pure capitalism ultimately self destructs without the balance of some collective investment in society (i.e. socialism), as all […]

The Conspiracy Against the People Will Fail

I have been warning that despite all their influence via the World Economic Forum, Gates Foundation, and Soros’ Open-Society calling for a one-world government, they will fail. We have even Governor Cuomo suddenly realizing that he may have destroyed New York City permanently. California is bleeding businesses so rapidly; the tax the rich policy that […]

Hope for the Future

After serious discussions, there is great concern that those behind Biden and drafting these executive orders having him sign them is off the charts wiping out We The People. Trump’s orders to bring down drug prices for diabetics were just reversed to help big pharma. It appears that the corruption is running very deep, but […]