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Market Talk – June 17, 2020

ASIA: India has conveyed to China the fact that the deadly clash in eastern Ladakh on Monday night will have “a serious impact” on relations between the two countries. Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar shared this with his counterpart in Beijing in a phone conversation today. Both sides agreed not to take “any action to escalate […]

Market Talk – June 16, 2020

ASIA: Beijing has reported 106 new infections in the last five days. The city raised its alert level from Level 3 to Level 2 — the highest alert being Level 1 — the Beijing government’s Deputy Secretary Chen Bei announced in a press conference Tuesday night. Fearing the possibility of another outbreak, Beijing has imposed […]

Market Talk – June 15, 2020

ASIA: Beijing is reintroducing strict lockdown measures and rolling out mass testing after a fresh cluster of novel coronavirus cases emerged from the city’s largest wholesale food market, sparking fears of a resurgence of the deadly outbreak. The Chinese capital reported 36 new Covid-19 cases on Monday, bringing the total number to 79 since a […]

Imperial College Should Be Defunded for Their Fake Research

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, These corrupt idiots at Imperial released another report in which they claim the lockdowns they advocated saved 3.1 million lives in Europe. How can they even claim this nonsense with all the proof out there about their former BS-report. It would be interesting to know who paid the bill for this study. […]

What is Different This Time Between 1987 & 2020 – 33 years Later?

QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your 1987 conference on the weekend of the crash. I was amazed, with many others, that you were able to say the futures would drop 10,000bp and bottom with the ECM and then make new highs. I don’t have to say many did not believe that forecast. What is […]

Civil Unrest Turning Violent on Schedule

The civil unrest is turning violent right on schedule. These lockdowns have destroyed so many jobs and the future of people which the government never even bothered to consider. The more governments try to pretend they did the right thing, the greater the violence will become. I went to get my haircut the other day. […]

Is it Time to Throw Every Politician Out of Office Who Imposed Lockdowns?

There is a rising discontent against politicians who have scared the hell out of people using this virus. They did so without ANY justification other than a bogus old program from Imperial College, funded by Bill Gates, that used a stochastic to try to forecast the future like the child’s game Sim City. The polls […]

Is this Unfolding Faster than Expected?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have been targeting 2021 into 2022 as a critical time. Do you think this is unfolding faster than expected, or is this yet another sucker rally to get people all trapped in again on a bounce and then slaughter them? I find it curious how people get so bullish at every […]

Gates & Modi Connection from India

It has been no secret that Modi of India has been desperately trying to force his nation out of cash and into the world of electronic currency. It has long been assumed that Modi has been a part of Bill Gates’ vision of the future. The left is always the most dangerous because they see […]

Social Distancing Covert Tactic Against Civil Unrest

The implementation of social distancing has clearly an entirely different intent and purpose which has nothing to do with this fake epidemic of COVID-19.  Going to this extreme of employing robotic dogs to keep people apart has the same result of preventing social gatherings which evolve into protests and eventually revolution. Protests against this global […]