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Is Resistance Really Futile?

  A number of people have asked, “Will this resistance be futile?” Europe has been crushed. Kristalina Georgieva and Christine Legarde are both board members of Schwab’s World Economic Forum. European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, was also a board member. Schwab has conquered Europe. He is destroying all non-green jobs and ensuring the […]

Conspiracy Theory & Great Reset

QUESTION: Do you say that the COVID pandemic is a hoax? FR ANSWER: Look, there are people who are deliberately calling anyone who disagrees a conspiracy theorist so they never have to answer anything. There are people who have had COVID. I have had a cousin who got it and my neighbors got it. It […]

Direct Democracy

DIRECT DEMOCRACY QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You wrote a few times in both blogs about “trying Direct Democracy” lately. I can see how powerful technology capacity currently available can support such change. What I have problems to envision is how the mechanic would work integrating local, city, regional, county, provincial, state, and country various levels of […]

Canada Into 2022

The 2021 Canadian Report is now available. We have gone into the clever change in the law that Trudeau pulled off to allow him to cancel the currency at his discretion as of January 1, 2021. He did withdraw the legal tender status of various notes that are still out there. You can take them to the bank and deposit them in your account, but stripping them of legal tender status means nobody else is now required to honor that currency.
We have covered the political chaos, the debt, the separatist movements, energy, the agricultural crisis, the share market, the Canadian dollar, and gold in terms of Canadian dollars rather than in US dollars with arrays and reversals.

During these volatile times, explore the fate of Canada going into 2022 based on Martin Armstrong’s data-driven models. This report begins by discussing the political atmosphere influencing Canadian policies both domestically and internationally. Explore the future of energy as well as the outlook for crude oil, the Toronto Stock Exchange, Canadian dollar futures, and gold in terms of the Canadian dollar.

The Foolishness of Shifting to Renewables

Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline from Alberta, but what people do not realize is the environmentalists are out for blood. They are pushing to shut down pipeline #5 that supplies a large portion of Michigan homes the energy to stay warm. Line 5 supplies 65% of the propane demand of the upper portion of […]

Are We in the Middle of Absolute Tyranny?

COMMENT: Martin and team: With Trudeau fully on board with the Great Reset, canceling the $CDN and going fully digital is just another step to fulfill his goal.  I must confess I don’t quite understand the full significance of this and I am not sure if this is going to be reported by the mainstream […]

Paris Protests Continue

Protests have erupted once again in France over this Global Security Bill. Despite what these global elite think they can pull off, our models are simply warning that they have underestimated the people and they will fail. Mainstream media seems to be ignoring such events pretending they do not take place any more. All our […]

Questions from Around the World

QUESTION #1: Hello Mr Armstrong, Thank you so much for the heads up regarding the elimination of paper cash. Regarding the US things are clear and so we’ll have to wait and will soon see what happens. Could you elaborate on the elimination of paper regarding the EU and UK? What is the timeframe? What […]

Old Iron Curtain Countries Raising the Curtain Again?

COMMENT: Czech rep. has been in total lockdown with all commerce and services closed (except supermarkets and drugstores) since December (and before that since October, with barely a few weeks with shops opened before the next lockdown), curfew at 8pm, schools closed since September, ban on all social activities, etc. And, now the PM said it’s […]

Market Talk – January 26, 2021

ASIA: The IMF expects the US and China to be by far the most successful at steering their economies through the pandemic, leaving Europe and other emerging markets trailing in their wake. In its updated forecasts for the global economy, the fund predicts that by 2022 recoveries in the US and China will leave their […]