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Putin Throws Down the Gauntlet

Vladimir Putin has effectively accused the Obama Administration and the United States on Friday of endangering global security by imposing a “unilateral diktat” upon the rest of the world. Putin also denied trying to rebuild the Soviet empire at the expense of Russia’s neighbors and has stated bluntly: “We did not start this.” On this score, Putin […]

Dow Closes Strong – Higher Highs or Lower Lows?

  The Dow Closed above 16660 and this now opens the door for a rally to test the 17000 level reaching a high perhaps on Thursday. We need the see a closing ABOVE at least 17010 to imply that the test of the Weekly Bearish Reversal that held at 15960 may hold. The major support […]

Dow Jones Industrial For the Week 10/20/2014

Today we need a closing ABOVE 16660 to show some neutrality. Friday was the main target for this week. Exceeding the Wed high yesterday set the tome for a possible high on Friday this week. The next turning point will be the week of Nov 3rd. A closing below 16660 will warn that the next […]

Dow Jones Industrials 10-24-2014

  We rallied right up into Wednesday testing the convergence of overhead resistance and will now most likely return to retest support into Friday. The bulk of resistance stands at the 17000 level and support at 15960. This is the closing range of resistance and support. If this week proves to be the reaction high, […]

Obama May go down as Worst President in History

It is interesting to watch how the Democrats try to distance themselves from Obama. He may go down as the absolute worst president in history. One has to ask was this some sort of plot to make sure no black president will ever be elected again? Is Obama really in charge? Perhaps they just hand […]

The Dow October 22, 2014 & Bond Bubble

  The resistance in the Dow Jones Industrial Index for today stands in the mid 16700 zone on a technical basis. Targets in time for this week were Wed and Friday with the latter being the main target. ONLY a closing back above 17010 would signal that the low is in place for a broader term. […]

Entire Court in California Had to Step Down – All Judges

The legal system in the United States is becoming so corrupt, this is exactly as Edward Gibbon wrote about the collapse of the rule of law in Rome. Edward Gibbon wrote of him: Each “distinction of every kind soon became criminal. The possession of wealth stimulated the diligence of the informers; rigid virtue implied a […]

The Dow for the Close 10-17-2014

  So far so good. The low may hold and a closing above 16331 today will help to relieve the selling pressure. A closing above 16660 will signal that we may see a further upside into the week of 11/03. Keep in mind this is a bubble in government bonds – not equities. Shaking the […]

Dow – The Aftermath 10-15-2014

The next support for the closing was 16131. Indeed, we stated “if that holds we may have a low today temporarily.” That appears to be the case and a bounce back into Friday appears likely. The low this week will be important. It appears to be a test of the primary support area, which was […]

Dow Update 2PM 10-15-2014

  This is the main channel – the Weekly Breakout Channel. A retest of that area is normal in any uptrend. The top of that channel lies at 15574. The key weekly closing support lies at 15970.  The key levels to watch at 15665, 15370,15280, and 14450. A weekly closing beneath 14450 would signal a […]