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Why the Crash & Burn is Public not Private

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned the crash and burn applies to government assets, not private sector assets. Can the private sector stand on it’s own two feet? Thanks again, MB ANSWER: There are times when the private sector cannot stand and everyone runs to bonds/cash. Likewise, there are times when government can no longer stand […]

Martin Schultz Wants to Give Refugees the Right to Vote in German Election

  To win the election in Germany, the SPD & Greens want to move to change the law regarding voting rights. Essentially, they want to give the refugees a right to vote. They need not be an EU citizen nor do they need to pay taxes. The mere right to vote is you happen to be […]

All Eyes on Greece

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has completely failed the Greek people. He was elected to exit the EU but instead he has wiped out his country trying to stay in the Eurozone. Pensions have been attacked 11 times since the crisis began in 2010. The very day Greece asked the IMF for help was precisely on […]

A Sign of the Times

QUESTION: First Brexit then Trump, do you see the same coming in 2019 in Canada? France ? Germany? WB ANSWER: Yes. This is a private wave. Unfortunately, this is where we will see the greatest confrontation between left and right. There will be rising civil unrest from the left that threatens civilization as we have known […]

The “Trump Revolution” is not about Trump Himself

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Your recent article regarding Trump is a major shift in your view regarding his coming administration,  at least to me any new thing that you pinpoint is like an  alert and makes me to think further.  When you point out something it is better to be cautious.  It is now  possible that […]

Currency v Language

QUESTION: Do language and currencies move in line with each other? Is language a leading indicator to currency i.e. Spanish in California. Will they create their own currency if they separate from the states? ANSWER: There is a direct link between currency and language. When I was doing interviews in Europe, I explained the euro would […]

Xi Jinping: “In 10 Years We Can Expect a New World Order”

President of China Xi Jinping made a statement last year that has sparked a number of comments over the past few months. Xi Jinping said: “The world is on the verge of radical change. We see that the European Union is gradually falling apart, how the US economy is crashing, and that all this will […]

Understanding Performance – Socrates v Medallion?

QUESTION: Marty; I invested in your Deutsche Bank hedge fund and the performance was about 3 times that of even the Renaissance’s Medallion fund. Your employees said for the public fund you closed positions early because you were making too much in 1998. Yet that was still about 3 times what Medallion produced in 1998. Medallion is closed […]

Bonds & Climate Change

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your Global Market Watch picked the high in bonds perfectly and called it a major high. I have to say, the system you have created monitoring everything is an incredible teaching tool. I can see what you are saying. There is a major global trend that politicians cannot alter and that is […]

From Spain

COMMENT: Hello Martin Armstrong!  🙂 Good Morning! I wanted to congratulate you for your interview on the TV show “out of coverage” on channel 4 (Spain) I love your web. And your work and dedication to confidential economic graphics. You are a genious! This reminds me of the following quotes: “Great spirits have always encountered […]