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Market Talk – August 20, 2020

ASIA: The US and China have agreed to go back to the negotiating table in the coming days to review the progress of their “phase one” trade deal, the Chinese commerce ministry said in a statement. Both sides will hold the “discussion over the phone,” the ministry said. It comes after talks scheduled for last […]

Market Talk – August 19, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he postponed trade talks with China, adding that he does not want to talk to China right now. Representatives from the United States and China had been scheduled to discuss the implementation of their so-called Phase 1 trade deal on Saturday, but those talks were canceled. India’s […]

Market Talk – August 18, 2020

ASIA: The Trump administration on Monday announced it would further tighten restrictions on Huawei Technologies Co, aimed at cracking down on its access to commercially available chips. The US Commerce Department’s actions expanded limits announced in May were aimed at preventing the Chinese telecommunications giant from obtaining semiconductors without a special license — including chips […]

Market Talk – August 17, 2020

ASIA: The website of Notepad++ is banned in China as of Monday due to its release of editions named “Free Uyghur” and “Stand with Hong Kong,” the source code and text editor announced on Twitter. Chinese firms like Xiaomi are facing delays getting approvals from India’s quality control agency for their goods, Reuters reported, as […]

Market Talk – August 14, 2020

ASIA: China’s retail sales slipped in July, dashing expectations for a modest rise as consumers in the world’s second-largest economy failed to shake off wariness about the coronavirus, while the factory sector’s recovery struggled to pick up pace. Retail sales dropped 1.1% year on year, missing predictions for a 0.1% rise and following June’s 1.8% […]

Market Talk – August 11, 2020

ASIA: China will continue to implement its part of the phase one trade deal with the United States and will fulfill financial opening-up pledges despite worsening bilateral relations between the world’s two largest economies, China’s central bank governor said in an interview with the official Xinhua news agency. US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury […]

Market Talk – August 10, 2020

  ASIA: China said on Monday it has imposed sanctions on 11 Americans, including six US lawmakers, for “behaving badly on Hong Kong-related issues.” The US on Friday sanctioned Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam as well as 10 other Chinese and Hong Kong officials for their role in crackdowns on political freedom in the […]

Are Cryptocurrencies Really a Hedge Against the Dollar?

QUESTION: Do you think that cryptocurrencies will be sustainable as governments become pressed for money? What is your view of the dollar? Will it really crash when things are so bad here in Europe? Thank you in advance GH ANSWER: I think it is really naive to believe that cryptocurrencies will survive when we face […]

Market Talk – August 5, 2020

    ASIA: Senior US and Chinese officials will review the implementation of their Phase 1 trade deal and likely air mutual grievances in an increasingly tense relationship during an August 15 video conference, two people familiar with the plans said. US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, the principal negotiators […]

Propaganda War & the Fear Of Economic Panic After Covid Restrictions are Lifted

What is fascinating is the fact that it appears there are people who are deliberately posting fake photos of other events so claimed fact-checkers can label the event as a whole is fake to support the fake press. Here we have a photo which is obviously Zurich. It is so obvious that anyone who has […]