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Zelensky Looking at the US to Wage Economic War Against Russia

Over the weekend, Volodymyr Zelensky admitted that he is hoping US financial pressure on Russia will end the war. “So far, I think that the United States of America is the accelerator of the sanction policies and I think they do more than any other country. And this is the way it should be because […]

Putin’s May 9th Speech – The Full Review

  The West keeps getting Putin wrong mainly because they have taken the Blue Pill and just repeat the propaganda put out by primarily the United States government. They told all journalists that Putin would formally declare war on Ukraine, institute a draft, and call up all reservists. The Western Press continually denies the existence […]

Ukrainian Targets in Time & STAGFLATION

QUESTION: Marty, Socrates targeted the week of April 25 and that indeed proved to be critical for Russia to halt the supply of gas to Poland and Bulgaria, which Western leaders called “blackmail. You said you have short-term targets in time for the war. What is the next one? SH ANSWER: There appears to be […]

Market Talk – May 9, 2022

ASIA: Japan’s services sector activity expanded for the first time in four months in April, as consumer sentiment recovered after the government lifted coronavirus curbs following a decline in domestic Omicron infections. The final au Jibun Bank Japan Services Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose to a seasonally adjusted 50.7 from the previous month’s final of […]

Is the Pentagon Planning a False Flag to Start WWIII?

As NATO countries continue to finance Ukraine, Putin has reason to worry. Top Russian advisors are now preparing for “a provocation aimed at accusing the Russian armed forces of using chemical, biological, or tactical nuclear weapons,” Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Russian Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Force, stated. The Russians are […]

Market Talk – May 6, 2022

ASIA: Activity in India’s dominant services sector grew at its fastest pace in five months in April on strong demand, prompting firms to add jobs for the first time since November, a private survey showed, but sky-rocketing inflation remained a major concern. The S&P Global India Services Purchasing Managers’ Index rose to 57.9 in April […]

Don’t Divert Your Attention to Roe v. Wade

A coming Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade was secretly “leaked.” Uncoincidentally, the news came right before the 2022 US midterm elections. Everyone is understandably up in arms after Biden formed a Disinformation Governance Board to become the ultimate authority for what we may believe is true. Most Americans want Biden out of […]

The Fed & The Collapse of Socialism

QUESTION: Been following Martin since 2008 (Gold ride) – he is the only one who has been right AU and AG top 2011. ****Important question for Martin, please How can the fed raise rates with governments owing so much debt please ???? what are the consequences of debt restructured? 100 year treasury real estate Thanks […]

Propaganda From a Warzone

Politicians are using Ukraine as a photo opportunity. Would the most powerful government officials risk traveling there if Kyiv was under constant attack? Would they publicly stroll the streets in Russia’s alleged top target? Third in line to lead the US, 82-year-old Nancy Pelosi, insisted on putting a wall and armed guards around the US […]

Market Talk – May 4, 2022

ASIA: China’s central bank on Wednesday pledged monetary policy support to ensure ample liquidity, help businesses badly hit by the latest COVID-19 outbreak in the country and support a recovery in consumption. Financing institutions should aim to meet the needs of the real economy, the PBOC said, such as boosting financing for small firms with […]