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CLINTON SWEEPS NATION—REPUBLICANS DEFEATED! by Martin A. Armstrong The headlines in the aftermath of the 1996 presidential elections will proclaim a victory once again for Slick Willy. This forecast is not based upon wishful thinking or gut feelings. Instead, this is the prognostication arrived at by our unbiased computer models. Figure #1 Figure #1 above […]

Political Analysis

Political Forecasting Political forecasting is critical to the overall economic modeling. Our model is the only thing that correctly forecast both BREXIT and that Trump would win. Revolutions, coups, and political unrest disturb the trends in assets and currencies not to mention introduction political risk for capital investment. Attempting to introduce poll results into political […]

Real Estate 15yr v 30yr Mortgage & New Electronic Currency Coming

Locking in a mortgage at these low rates makes send for it will be a hedge against the real estate. The 15 year mortgage is more practical in that it saves interest costs. The 30 year was a Great Depression invention to try to support the real estate market by allowing people to buy on […]

Our Proprietary Capital Flow Models

  COMMENT: Marty, I cannot believe all the organizations, press articles, and forecasts that now claim capital flows are headed into the USA. This has been your model for decades and I remember you explaining how the data is gathered on a collective basis globally and is not from a single published source. You are […]

Bull Markets are Defined By Currency Flows

  Gold appears very weak in terms of dollars and so many people now are writing off the goldbugs are just irrelevant as if they were the people who refused to adopt the Gregorian Calendar which made January 1st day one rather than April 1st for the start of every year. Their prejudice against the […]


QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your post about the DAX not breaking out yet was interesting as it made me understand a lot of things. My question to you is: If we measure the NASDAQ in Euros, couldn’t we say it is in a bubble? Thank you for what you do. It is truly enlightening. Regards. I.A. […]

Three Primary Levels of Service – Coming Soon!

Coming Soon! Please note: While close to completion, our services are not yet available. We will continue to post all relevant updates to the Armstrong Economics blog as they become available. We thank you for your patience.  At Princeton Economics Intl, we have divided our services into three main categories so we have allowed access […]

So What’s Going on with the DAX

  The DAX rally is being driven by the collapse in the Euro. As strange as it may seem to say, the DAX has not actually broken out just yet despite what it appears in nominal terms. This is precisely what takes place when a currency declines, which I have been harping about. ALL ASSETS […]

Medici & Controlling the Banking System

    The Medici were a powerful and influential Florentine family from the 13th to 17th century. There were four popes who were related to the Medici – Pope Leo X (December 11, 1475 – December 1, 1521), was pope from 1513 to his death. Pope Clement VII (May 26, 1478 – September 25, 1534), was a […]

Greece Turns up Heat Back on Germany

The old saying people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones seems to apply in Europe. Greece is moving toward the seizure of all German owned property to compensate for World War II reparations. That may be one way to pay off the loans to bailout Greece. What seems to go around, comes around. Just more […]