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Why Japan is Not Greece or EU For that Matter

QUESTION: Hello Martin There are a few writers who speculate the the yen will be the first currency to fall (because Japan has been tied into QE and flat interest rates for decades already, and their manufacturing is suffering).  How do you think the currency situation will play out for Japan?   thank you   best […]

Capital Flow & Domestic v International Perspectives

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I listened to the interview you did with Financial Sense and you said something that struck me as odd. I think you said that the devaluation and failure of the Euro will drive capital to the US. Fair enough, sounds right to me. I think you then said that the Fed’s response would […]

Symmetry Ukraine and Vladimir regarding Russia

We are reminded from a Russian reader regarding symmetry that the founder of Russia was Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great (c. 958 – 15 July 1015) and hence today we have Vladimir Putin. The symmetry is even a bit deeper than just that the first names match. Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great prince of Novgorod, grand prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus’ […]

Greece Wants to Use Tourists as Tax Spies – Just Amazing

The Greek government wants to use students, domestic workers and even tourists as spies, to report on the tax affairs of Greeks. The spies should be covered with video and audio devices. Training and equipment are to be paid by the other euro countries.Tourists who are planning a vacation in Greece and do not want […]

Italy Breaks with USA & Turns to Russia

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has invited during his visit to Moscow President Vladimir Putin to Milan. Putin was delighted and Italy has offered a privileged partnership. Italy is apparently unwilling to accept the EU sanctions to their own detriment. The Obama and UK led sanctions have hurt European farmers in particular. Playing politics at the cost […]

Two Ukrainian Banks Fail since March 1st

Two Ukrainian banks in the Delta Bank Group have been declared by the central bank in Kiev insolvent. Previously, the Delta Bank was declared bankrupt. Germany and France want to build the Ukrainian banking sector once again. It is unclear how much will incur additional cost European taxpayers. There is no confidence in the system or the government […]

Finland Fines man $60,000 for Speeding

Finland now joins Switzerland as the most abusive monetary schemes against their own people. Clearly, Finland is not a place to rent a car or visit on vacation. In Switzerland, they have cameras everywhere and they will give you a ticket for 1km over the limit. They are extremely PRECISE in their fines. But Switzerland […]

CONFUSED about the DOW

QUESTION:  Is your computer saying the DJIA will crash around 2015.75 ? ANSWER: All will be revealed soon enough. There may be an initial correction, the FALSE MOVE, but there does not appear to be any major crash. Near-term, the Dow is still contained.  So no real blast to the upside. We really are working […]

Manipulations v Systemic Manipulation

  COMMENT: Marty, I see now what you are talking about. These gold promoters always pitch inflation and then claim when they are wrong the market is rigged with perpetual manipulation. You are correct. How can you preach put everything into metals and then say the metals cannot rise because of manipulation? This really seems […]

Germany Threatens Greece with Bankruptcy? Should be Other Way Around.

 has German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has threatened Greece with the state bankruptcy if Athens did not serve its debt with the ECB and the IMF. Greek Finance Varoufakis said they would like to pay, but would not have the money. He therefore wants to negotiate with the ECB on a haircut.In this case, billions would be lost to […]